
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Happy Wednesday friends!

Time for another 
Who Wrote That?

I'll be posting a short scene from a cozy mystery, and you guess who wrote it! 
Don't worry, it's a multiple choice!

Write the author's name in the comments, your full name (first & last name) and the email address you use for Amazon (I won't post your comment here) because . . . 
The winner will receive a 
$5.00 Amazon Gift Card!

If more than one person guesses correctly, a name will be drawn randomly from those names.


"We made it," Hannah said in a shaky voice, stating the obvious.

"We did. I really don't know how you managed to get us here in one piece."

"Neither do I." Hannah realized that she'd been holding her breath and she took a deep gulp of air. And then, because she felt decidedly lightheaded, she lowered the window for a breath of fresh cold air.

Michelle did the same and then she turned to give her sister an unsteady smile. "That could have been bad, but you turned off just in time, and we . . ." Michelle stopped short and leaned closer to the open window. She listened for a moment, and then she frowned. "What's that?"

"More trouble," Hannah answered, listening to sounds of metal striking metal with considerable force. "It's a good thing we got off the highway when we did. It sounds like a really bad accident."

"More than one accident. It's a chain reaction. They're still crashing over there and it must be a massive pileup. Do you think we should go back and try to help?"

"Yes, but first we need to call the sheriff's station. Do you have your cell phone?"

"Right here." Michelle pulled it out of her pocket. "What do you want me to say?"

"Tell them it's a multi-vehicle accident and to come out here right away. There are bound to be injuries, so they should put in a call for ambulances. Tell the dispatcher to alert Doc Knight at the hospital so he can set up to receive the accident victims."

"Got it," Michelle said, pressing numbers on her phone.

"I'm going to try to get turned around and drive up there."

"Okay. It's ringing now. I'll tell the dispatcher what's happening."

As Michelle began to relay the information to the sheriff's station, Hannah turned the truck around. This took several minutes as the road was narrow, and they couldn't be of much help if they wound up stuck in the ditch. Her window was still down and she realized that the squeal of brakes and loud crashes had stopped. With the exception of a car horn that had stuck, the night was eerily silent. And then, just as she was about to pull out onto the access road that paralleled the highway, sirens wailed in the distance. Help was coming, and from the sounds of the breaking glass and impacts they'd heard only seconds before, it wasn't a moment too soon.

Who wrote that?

1. Joan Hess
2. Joanne Fluke
3. Joanne Pence
4. Joanna Campbell Span
5. Joanna Carl  

Remember to leave your guess of author, your full name, email you use for Amazon, and, if different, the email where I can reach you. Most importantly, check in on Sunday morning's blog for the winner's name.
As always, please leave a comment 
and let me know what you think!

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1 comment:

  1. I have no idea!
    Happy Wednesday, Lisa.
    Pat T
