
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Good Wednesday friends!

As you can see above, we have a new feature!
Who Wrote That?

I'll be posting a short scene from a cozy mystery, and you guess who wrote it! 
Don't worry, it's a multiple choice!

Write the author's name in the comments, your full name (first & last name) and the email address you use for Amazon (I won't post your comment here) because . . . 
The winner will receive a 
$5.00 Amazon Gift Card!

If more than one person guesses correctly, a name will be drawn randomly from those names.

Here we go!

"No light on after eight p.m. to shine on our cabin," Granny said.

"Eight? Nighttime is a writer's dream and although I am a baker, this is a cookbook, so that makes me a writer. And... I do my best thinking and tweaking recipes after midnight. Sorry, I can't agree to that. And you can't tell me to go to bed at eight. Delight has told me of your crew's nighttime escapes."

"Mavis has plans for us to have a our mud baths in the moonlight and the light will disturb us."

"It's not even dark at eight, so there is no moonlight," Jezabelle pointed out.

"There is preparation time, you know. Meditation on the dock."

"When have you ever meditated?" Jezabelle came closer to Granny and shook her finger in her face.

Who wrote that?

1. Laura Bradford
2. Julie Seedorf
3. Linda Reilly
4. Kathi Dailey
5. Tonya Kappes

Remember to leave your guess, and the email you use for Amazon, in the comments.

Last week's winner didn't get back to me. I won't pick a new winner if that happens. So please, remember to leave your full name, email you use for Amazon, and, if different, the email where I can reach you. Most importantly, check in on Saturday morning's blog for the winner's name.

As always, please leave a comment 
and let me know what you think!

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the upper right hand corner of this page 
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