
Friday, August 12, 2022

Cozy Food Friday!

Hello all! 
How have you been this week?
Ready for a sweet treat to get it started?
Check out the recipe author Julie Seedorf!

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Jezzabelle and I would like to thank Gladys Johanson and her family for letting us use her recipe for LEMON LOVE NOTES in the Brilliant Bistro. Gladys celebrated her 100th birthday on October 19, 2017. She fed 14 children with her fabulous cooking. Thank you for sharing love through your baking.



½ cup butter
 1 cup flour
¾ cup powdered sugar

   Mix together - pat in 9" pan. Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool.

2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 grated lemon rind
2 eggs beaten
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp. flour
½ baking powder

   Blend together ingredients, pour over baked crust. Bake 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool.

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¾ cup powder sugar
1 tbsp. butter
1½ tsp. milk

   Mix well. Frost lemon bars.

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Author Julie Seedorf

A Bit About Me As An Impassioned Writer

As human beings, Julie feels we are always a work in progress. From birth to death we live, hurt, laugh, cry, feel, and with all of those emotions we grow as people, as family members, and as friends. Julie is a dreamer and feels blessed to have the opportunity in her writing to pass those dreams on to others. Her motto is 

“You are never too old to dream and to turn those dreams into a creative endeavor.”

Julie lives in rural Minnesota and is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has worn many hats throughout her life such as working as a waitress, nursing home activities person, office manager, and finally a computer repair person eventually owning her own computer sales and repair business.

She never forgot her love of writing and quit her computer business in 2012 after signing a contract with Cozy Cat Press for Granny Hooks A Crook, the first book in my Fuchsia, Minnesota Series.

Julie currently has written nine cozy mysteries, three children’s books, participated in three group anthologies or mysteries, and writes two blogs about various subjects.

If you haven't read Julie's books, you don't know what you're missing! Their clever and fun, and just so entertaining! 

On top of all of that, Julie is a super kind, sweet woman, and I adore her. 

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  1. Yum! I would love to have some right now!

    Happy Friday!
    Pat T

  2. Thank you Lisa for featuring this. ❤️
