
Saturday, June 18, 2022

My friends, 9 years ago tomorrow, is the first anniversary of 
Lisa Ks Book Reviews!

Thank you to all of my wonderful friends and readers. You have stuck with me through so much. You'll never know just how much each and everyone of you keep me inspired to continue.

To my friend (unpaid editor 😉)! Pat, thank you for watching out for me, and finding those mistakes I missed. You have made the blog a better place for everyone. More importantly, you are a wonderful friend. And, I can count on one hand the amount of times you haven't left a comment and encouraged me. You are my sister from another mister. 💖

And to Kay, thank you my friend for always letting me know what new free eBooks are available! My Kindle is just about full thanks to you! 💜

Any Cynthia. You were the first commenter on that first post on June 19, 2013. You have been nothing but encouraging since that day. You are a sweet friend, and I'm blessed to know you. 💛

I have left out so many names, but you are not thought of any less. I have been blessed to know each and everyone of you.  

Here's to another year of Lisa Ks Book Reviews. I'm looking forward to spending the year with you all!


  1. Congratulations, Lisa! I found your blog in 2014 and you have helped me find so many wonderful books and authors. I look forward to reading your blog, while having coffee, every morning. We will always be sisters, kindred spirits, friends. Cheers to the next nine years!
    Pat T

  2. Happy Anniversary Lisa. Hope the next year is super special for you

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Freda! You're blog is fantastic! When I can get myself back to a solid schedule, I'd like to rejoin the Friday 56.

    2. Looking forward to having you back! :-)

  4. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary, Lisa! A massive thank you and a big virtual hug for all you do in helping to connect cozy mystery authors and readers!

  5. Happy Blogoversary! I, along with many, many others, THANK YOU for all you do to bring good books and wonderful authors to the forefront of our attention! Hope I'm around for many more years to come so we can celebrate each and every year together. Just remember that without you, we wouldn't be here and that would be such a disaster for sure. Keep it up and we will love keeping up with you!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  6. Happy blogoversary, Lisa K! I look forward to the daily blogs and whatever is going on that particular day. Always keep your beautiful personality and your path will stay steady! 🤗💖Your friend, Cheryl A. [teddi1961 (at) arcemont (dot) com]

  7. Congratulations and happy blogiversary!!!

  8. Congratulations!
