
Monday, June 13, 2022

Good Monday my friends!
I truly believe Mondays can be just as happy as any other day of the week, don't you?

I'm sure you've all seen the big, shiny M up above.
That's because today we're going to be looking at authors with M names!

Here we go!

Karen MacInerney USA Today bestselling author Karen MacInerney is the housework-impaired creator of multiple mystery series, and her victims number well into the double digits. She lives in Austin, Texas with her sassy family and a menagerie of animals, including Dog #1 (a spoiled labradoodle named Tristan) and Dog #2 (a rescue Bichon-mystery mix named Little Bit). When she's not chauffeuring children or coming up with creative ways to kill people, you can usually find Karen hiding away with a book, dodging laundry, or playing in the kitchen. She also teaches writing classes.

Meg Macy   Macy writes the Teddy Bear Mystery Series. She lives in Michigan, and is also one half of the pseudonym D. E. Ireland (along with Sharon Farrow), authors of the Eliza Doolittle & Henry Higgins Mystery Series.

Mary Jane Maffini  is the award-winning Canadian author of three mystery series: crochety lawyer Camilla MacPhee sleuths around Ottawa. Failed romance writer, Fiona Silk hides out in West Quebec, and professional organizer Charlotte Adams sorts out people and crimes in upstate New York. Bad things happen. And sometimes funny things happen. It's a mystery.

As Victoria Abbott, MJ co-writes the book collector series with her daughter, Victoria Maffini.

Connie di Marco    (aka Connie Archer) Di Marco writes the Zodiac Mystery Series, starring an astrologer (Julia Bonatti) in San Francisco. As Connie Archer, she writes the Soup Lover’s Mystery Series, which takes place in a small Vermont skiing town called Snowflake and stars Lucky Jamieson as its sleuth.

Mary Marks   Marks writes the Martha Rose Quilting Mystery Series, which makes perfect sense, since Marks is a top-notch quilter. The sleuth, Martha Rose, is a divorced Californian who is aided in her sleuthing by her best friends. Martha is (obviously!) a quilter. She is retired, and as much as she enjoys quilting, she also enjoys eating.

Edith Maxwell  is an Agatha-Award winning and national bestselling mystery author.

She writes the historical Quaker Midwife Mysteries. Charity's Burden won the the Agatha Award for Best Historical Novel. Her story, "The Mayor and the Midwife," was the second Rose Carroll story to be nominated for an Agatha Award for Best Short Story.

Edith also writes the Local Foods Foods Mysteries. Edith once owned and operated the smallest certified-organic farm in Essex County, Massachusetts.

As Maddie Day, Edith writes the Country Store Mysteries set in southern Indiana, and the Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries.

Edith's short stories have appeared in nearly two dozen juried anthologies and magazines. She is active in Mystery Writers of America and a lifetime member of Sisters in Crime.

Edith, a fourth-generation Californian, has two grown sons and lives in an antique house north of Boston with her beau, a small organic garden, and an energetic kitten.

Check back next Monday for more M authors!

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