
Sunday, June 5, 2022

Hello friends!
How are you all this beautiful Sunday?

Back in April I shared with you books titles starting with the different letters in the days of the week. 

Today is the same concept, but for S for Sunday this time, I will be sharing authors whose names start with S.


Maggie Sefton  Sefton’s first series is the Knitting Mystery Series, which takes place in the House of Lambspun. Kelly Flynn teaches knitting at the House of Lambspun and, also sleuths. Sefton also writes the Kate Doyle Mystery Series, which features a realtor in Colorado. Her Molly Malone Mystery Series is set in Washington, D.C., and features the daughter of a senator who is also the widow of a congressman. Sefton also writes the Widow an the Rogue Mystery Series, which is a historical mystery series. Amanda Duncan is a young widow and clairvoyant who sleuths with Devlin Burke, an English investor in 1890s Washington, D.C.

Connie Shelton   Shelton writes the Charlie Parker series.  Charlie is a CPA who solves crimes when she’s not too busy filing income tax returns! Shelton also writes the Samantha Sweet Mystery Series which features, as its sleuth, the owner of a pastry shop in New Mexico.

Paige Shelton   Shelton, a journalism major in college, worked in advertising before writing the Farmers’ Market Mystery Series, which features the owner of a farm who makes jams and preserves… when she’s not solving crimes! Shelton also writes the Country Cooking School Mystery Series – a ghost paranormal mystery series, featuring Gram and Betts, who run a cooking school in Missouri. Paige Shelton also writes two more popular series: The Scottish Bookshop Mystery Series, which features North American Delaney, who works in a rare book and manuscript shop in Edinburgh. The other series is the Dangerous Type Mystery Series, which stars Clare Henry and her grandfather, who live (and sleuth!) in Utah, with Baskerville, their Calico cat.

Joanna Campbell Slan   Slan’s Kiki Lowenstein Scrap-N-Craft Mystery Series will be sure to please all of the cozy mystery readers with a passion for scrapbooking. (She has published several non-fiction scrapbooking books as well.) Slan also writes the Jane Eyre Chronicles Mystery Series, which features Charlotte Brontë’s Jane, wife of Edward Rochester and young mother, in mid 1800s England. Another of Slan’s mystery series is the Cara Mia Delgatto series which features a recent empty-nester, single mom in Florida. Slan started writing as Lila Dare on the fourth of that series’ mysteries. As Dare, she  writes the Southern Beauty Shop Mystery Series. The series features five sleuths of all ages who happen to be beauticians in the same Georgia beauty shop.

Karen Rose Smith   Smith, an ex teacher, started her fiction-writing career as an author of romance novels, winning several awards in that genre. Smith writes the Caprice De Luca Mystery Series, which takes place in a town called Quiet Kismet (in Pennsylvania). Caprice was an interior decorator who decided it was time to change careers, which she did >>> to home stager. She has rich clients whose houses she stages so that they look terrific while on the market to sell.

Dorothy St. James  St. James has her BS in Wildlife Biology and her Master’s in Public Administration & Urban Planning. St. James writes the White House Gardener Mystery Series which features, as its sleuth, a gardener at the White House.

J.B. Stanley (aka Jennifer StanleyEllery Adams, & 1/2 of Lucy Arlington)   With a Master’s in English Literature, it is no wonder that Stanley decided to write novels. She has two cozy mystery series… One is the Collectible Mystery Series – which features a reporter who solves mysteries in and out of antique shows. The other is her Supper Club Mystery Series which features a “retired” English Literature Professor (James Henry) who gets together with four friends (“The Flab Five”) to sup and solve crimes! Stanley also writes the Hope Street Church Mystery Series as Jennifer Stanley. And, as Ellery Adams she writes the Books by the Bay Mystery Series and the Charmed Pie Shop Mystery Series. As 1/2 of Lucy Arlington (co written with Sylvia May) she writes the A Novel Idea Mystery Series.

Jennifer Stanley   (aka J. B. StanleyEllery Adams, & 1/2 of Lucy Arlington)   Stanley has her Master’s in English Literature and writes the Hope Street Church Mystery Series, which features a repairwoman of office machines in Richmond, Virginia. After being away from the church for many years, she decides to join a church bible study group, which turns out to be full of willing sleuth-helpers. As J. B. Stanley she writes two cozy mystery series: the Collectible Mystery Series and the Supper Club Mystery Series. And, as Ellery Adams she writes the Books by the Bay Mystery Series and the Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery Series.  As 1/2 of Lucy Arlington (co written with Sylvia May) she writes the A Novel Idea Mystery Series.

Fran Stewart   Stewart writes the Biscuit McKee & Marmalade Series which features a librarian and her tabby cat in Georgia. Stewart also writes the ScotShop Mystery Series, which features Peggy Winn, a Scottish shop owner and her specter, a 14th century Scot.

Diane A. S. Stuckart  (aka Ali Brandon and Anna Gerard) Stuckart writes the Leonardo da Vinci Historical Mystery Series. The series features Dino, da Vinci’s apprentice, and is set in the late 1400s. As Brandon she writes the paranormal Black Cat Bookshop Mystery Series.

Denise Swanson    Swanson’s main character is a school psychologist who lives in Illinois. She writes the Scumble River Mystery Series, which features a school psychologist as its sleuth. Swanson also pens the Devereaux’s Dime Store Mystery Series, which has, as its sleuth, the owner of a five-and-dime store in Missouri.

Leann Sweeney    Sweeney’s main character, Abby Rose, is a private investigator living in Houston in the Yellow Rose Mystery Series. Sweeney is also the author of the Cats in Trouble Mystery Series.

Click on any of the blue
names to learn more about the authors!


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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I’m loving Karen Rose Smith’s newest series, Daisy’s Tea Garden mysteries.
    Happy Sunday!
    Pat T

  2. Oh, I love it when you sneak a new to me author in on me! Thanks for the heads up and helping me to make a new connection.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
