
Monday, May 2, 2022


Hello all and welcome, For those of you who may not know my my name is Karen and for the next several days I have been asked to take over for Lisa and I had an idea. I called in a few favors to a wonderful group of Authors who have granted me their time and answers to 5 questions to wet our appetites'. What I hope to bring to you is a behind the scenes look at the minds of some of my favourite authors and while you may know some of them, maybe some will be new to you and my hope is that you are inspired, find out something new and dive into some amazing cozies written by some very talented authors. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this with all of you! 

See you soon and happy reading! 

1 comment:

  1. Delighted to see you Karen and I will be back later in the week. Right now I am off to read what Vicki Vass has to say on your Monday post!!
