
Monday, May 9, 2022

5 Questions with Author Kellye Garrett


Today I am excited to share with you 5 questions with Author Kellye Garrett.

1) How did you become an author, was it an overnight event or birth rite?


I’ve wanted to write books since I was about 5 years old so I’ll go with the latter. 


2) What or who inspired your writing?


It would take me years to name drop everyone who inspired. The earliest were my parents who both encouraged me to follow my dream even at age 5. Most recently, it’s my fellow black women book lovers who ache to see more main characters who look like them in crime fiction.


3) How do you keep track of your ideas?


I splurge on LEUCHTTURM1917 lined journals that I’ll pull out for each project. I’ll just use them to scribble down free thought and pray I can read my handwriting after.


4) What is the one thing you need, while writing?


Patience. I’m a combination of having horrible memory and being a perfectionist. So I expect the book to just pour out of me perfectly because I forgot how many drafts it took for the last book to be even decent.


5) How would you end this sentence, "Every author should own at least one of these things..


A good pen. It doesn’t have to be expensive. You don’t know how important it is to have a good pen until you have a good pen. I love the Uni-ball Signo 207s. My fave are the BLx, which are a mix of black ink and another color such as purple. Everyone I know who’ve bought them love them as well. 

Thank you so much Kelley! To learn more about author Kellye Garrett please visit her website by clicking here. 

Thank you also dear readers for joining us here today. I look so forward to sharing more 5 question interviews with you again tomorrow.


  1. Thank you, Lisa, Karen and Kellye.
    Happy Monday!
    Pat T

  2. Kellye, thank you for hanging out on the blog with Karen!
