
Thursday, April 21, 2022

What's Cooking?
Not nuts, that's for sure.

I don’t have a nut allergy, but that fact that so many people do, I wanted to check out the recipes in, THE EVERYTHING NUT ALLERGY COOKBOOK.

Before even getting into the recipes, author Lisa Horne’s whole first chapter is about living with a food allergy. I found this to be very informative, and I know others will as well.

The over 200 recipes in this cookbook makes the thought of eating without nuts feel less like depriving yourself and more like treating yourself.

Some of the many recipes you’ll find are . . . Seed Butter and Jam Overnight Oats, Monkey Bread, Sunflower Seed Butter Pancake and Waffle Sauce, Asian Lettuce Wraps, Chicken Potpie Soup, Cranberry Poppy Seed Salad, Kung Pao Chicken, Potato Chip-Crusted Chicken, Monte Cristo Sliders, Oven-Baked Mexican  Rice, Hawaiian Macaroni Salad, Sweet Potato Casserole, Banana Bread No-Nut Scones, Sweet Corn Muffins, Honey Whole-Wheat Bread, Blueberry Sunflower Seed Goat Cheese, Midwest Ham and Pickle Rolls, Garden Focaccia, Brown Sugar Dip, Sunflower Pumpkin Seed Chocolate Bark, Seed Butter and Pretzel Granola Bars, Pie Filling Cobbler, Shortbread Cookies, Double Chocolate WWII Depression-Era Cake, Homemade Whipped Cream, Cookies and Cream Ice Cream, Orange Cream Bars, Peaches and Cream Ice Cream, Fruity Yogurt Cream Bar, and so very many more!

While THE EVERYTHING NUT ALLERGY COOKBOOK is well written, and full of helpful suggestions and recipes, I have to give this cookbook a ding for not having enough photos. I want to see a photo of every dish to see what mine “should” look like. I understand it’s more cost effective to have fewer photos, but it also makes a recipe book less appealing to me.

Over all, if you’re looking for recipes to dodge nuts, this is a book for you to check out. You’ll no doubt find new-to-you dishes that you’ll want to add to your meal menus.  


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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I’m thankful I don’t have a nut (or food) allergy.
    Happy Thursday!
    Pat T

  2. Hey, Pat! I don't have a nut allergy either, but I have Diverticulitis. So eating nuts or seeds really sits it off. Landed in the hospital several years ago with it (That was when I first knew I had it). Even though some doctors are now saying that nuts and seeds do not set it off, I disagree. My grandmother's was set off when she ate strawberries, and my brother-in-law when he eats tomatoes with their little seeds. I was never really ate a lot of nuts, but since being diagnosed, I off course now want things with nuts in them. LOL
