
Wednesday, April 6, 2022


In today's spotlight I'm featuring author
Dominique Daoust
and her book
Book 1 in her The Deadly Exclusives Mysteries

Secret sources have a whole new meaning.

Newbie reporter Rita Larose is tired of getting assigned boring stories at one of Montreal's most popular newspapers. It's 1930 after all, women don't need to only write about household chores anymore!  But when a high hat socialite gossips about the New Year's Eve party at the Bonne Nuit Hotel, a riveting mystery falls right into Rita's lap. This is her chance to prove to herself and her underestimating colleagues that she has what it takes to write the hard-hitting articles.

While going undercover as a maid to get the scoop, Rita will soon discover unexpected friendships and an unusual gift of her own to contend with. Will she be able to juggle this newfound ability while not blowing her cover and jeopardizing her career-making article?


Let's learn more about The Deadly Exclusives Mysteries and Dominique!

LKBR: Hi, Dominique, it’s great to have you with us.

DD: Thank you for having me!

LKBR: Please tell us about your new book.

DD: A Disappearance at the Bonne Nuit Hotel is about newbie reporter Rita Larose setting out to uncover the juiciest stories in Montreal in 1930. Along the way, she’ll discover something about herself which will be both an advantage and a hindrance for her career. I would describe it as a historical cozy mystery with a dash of the supernatural. It’s the first book in The Deadly Exclusives Trilogy (all three books are available on Amazon as of April 1st).

LKBR: Do you remember where you were/what you were doing when the idea of this book/series came to you?

DD: It didn’t come to me all at once, it was a slower process where I started writing a bunch of ideas down until it created a coherent story. I’ve been obsessed with movies from the Old Hollywood era since I was a teen and I love a good mystery. My first job was as a maid at a nice hotel in the Montreal suburbs, plus I studied journalism. So I thought why not combine all these elements into a story?

LKBR: How did you go about submitting your first idea for a book? Was that first book published?

DD: I haven’t submitted a story to a publisher so far! I dabbled on Wattpad (a platform where you can post your stories for free) for a while but it wasn’t the place for me. So I decided to write a trilogy and self-publish it on Amazon myself!

Is writing your fulltime job? What’s your writing schedule like?

DD: I currently work as a full-time executive assistant and write in my free time. I’m pretty strict with myself, so when I’m in writing mode, I aim for 4 chapters a week (usually two week nights as well as Saturday and Sunday morning). My goal is to eventually transition to writing full-time.

LKBR: No matter where you are, do you write down ideas when inspiration strikes?

DD: I try my best! I have this Evernote app on my phone and I try to write things down as they come, but sometimes they come in one ear and immediately out the other. But I do have a few ideas for potential future cozy mysteries saved in there.

LKBR: Do you write your book(s) from beginning to end or do you write scenes out of order then pull them together?

DD: I write my books from beginning to end. I have a very structured, linear mind and I don’t think it would allow me to work out of order!

LKBR: Where do you do most of your writing?

DD: I have a home office setup and I always write from there. I admire writers who can work out of coffee shops, but I’d get too distracted!

LKBR: What are three things always within reach when you’re writing?

DD: I would count Google as one thing for sure. Then usually either tea or coffee and water. I don’t like having a cluttered space, so the more streamlined the better. It’s not super exciting but it’s accurate!

LKBR: Please describe yourself in one sentence.

DD: I’m just a gal who’s obsessed with cheese and margaritas.

LKBR: Do you have a message for your readers?

DD: This is only the beginning of my journey as an indie author. I do hope my books resonate with readers and entertain them!

LKBR: Thank you so much, Dominique, for spending time with us today. Can’t wait to chat with you again!

DD: Thank you for these questions, I really appreciate it!


Learn more about Dominique

Dominique Daoust is the author of The Deadly Exclusives
Trilogy. She is a journalism graduate from Concordia University
in Montreal, Canada. When not reading or writing, she likes to
do yoga, drink margaritas, incessantly quote Friends and listen
to rap while doing mundane household chores.

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Dominique is a new author, for me. I’ll check her book out.
    Happy Wednesday!
    Pat T

  2. Thank you so much for the delightful interview with Dominique Daoust. It was fun to learn more about A DISAPPEARANCE AT THE BONNE NUIT HOTEL and the person behind it. Love the era it's set in and can't wait for the opportunity to dive in reading it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
