
Friday, March 25, 2022

Hello my hungry readers.
What day is it? Yup!
Cozy Food Friday!

Many recipes have come through the page of my blog. The one thing I noticed is, they're all for more than one person. My sister and I share a house, so we don't need to cook for 4 or 6, and I would guess some of you don't as well.

Cooking for one shouldn't mean cold sandwiches or frozen food (both of which I love). You deserve a meal as special and tasty as something you would prepare for others. 

Here's a great go to!



¼ pound 21 count shrimp, about 6 (throw in a few more if you're like me!)
2 scallions, the whole thing, finely chopped, 
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 Tbsp butter
3 Tbsp cream
1 Tbsp parsley, chopped 
2 Tbsp Parmesan cheese
4 - 6 ounces spaghetti (depending on the portion you want)
¼ cup reserved pasta water
salt and pepper to taste


   Cook pasta according to package. Reserve some of the cooking water for the sauce later. Drain the pasta (leave just enough water to keep it from sticking), set it aside, cover with kitchen towel.

   Make sure to clean shrimp if not already done (don't eat that "vein" going up the back.

   Add butter to pot over medium heat. Once hot and melted, add the cleaned shrimp and cook for 90 seconds per side. Then add scallions and garlic, and cook for another 30 seconds until soft.

   Add cream to the shrimp and stir. The sauce should reduce nicely.

   Add pasta to the pot and stir to combine. Season with salt & pepper (I love out the pepper) to taste. If sauce is too thick, add a Tbsp at a time of reserved pasta water to thin it out, making sure to not make in too thin.

I have a little dab of drool forming 
in the corner of my mouth.

Do you have a favorite meal for one?

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I’m not a fan of shrimp but I’d still eat the pasta.
    Happy Friday!
    Pat T

  2. Where I use to cook for many, now there's just hubby and I. I might add that hubby is a big eater, but not fond of leftovers. Over the years, especially after retiring (and hubby now is down to eating for one instead of what some called an army), I have learned to take my tried and true recipes and cut in half and most often if quarter (yep took some match and measurement chart to do that one) to come up with the right size portions of the old recipes. It's worth the effort because it's a win-win. No wasted expense of too much food that ends in the trash and still eating good home cooked meals that we love. Example - I use only half a cake mix by dividing the dry box ingredients in half. I'm fortunate to have a very small kitchen scale, but you can do the same with measuring cups/spoons. I'm sure you do the same thing and divide it in four equal portions for even less. Because have you seen the price of those little one serving cake thingies! No this penny pinching girl. LOL

    Some recipes or spices might take an experiment or two to get it just right, but take notes and when it's just the way you want it. Add that new recipe to your file for that wonderful meal for one or two.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
