
Friday, March 18, 2022


Cozy Food Friday

 I don't know what the weather has been like in your corner of the world, but here in Delaware it's 20°F one day and 70°F the next. So what kind of food do you want to eat when when the temperatures are all over the place? How about something that's good hot or cold? Something like . . . Potato Salad!



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4 medium white or yellow potatoes, about 2 pounds, peeled and cubed
4 hard-boiled large eggs, chopped
2 celery ribs and leaves (if you have them), chopped
1 small red onion, chopped
5 scallions, chopped (green & white ends)
½ cup  green pepper, chopped
¾ cup mayonnaise
2 Tbsp yellow mustard
2 Tbsp honey mustard
¾ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
¾ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp onion powder
½ tap red pepper flakes ( if you like a little heat)
¼ tsp sugar (if you like it a little sweet) 

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  1.    Place potatoes in pot and add enough water to cover, top with lid. Add a pinch of salt, the garlic powder and onion powder. 
  2.    Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cook, uncovered, 10-15 minutes or until tender. 
  3.    Drain potatoes and place in a large bowl. Add the eggs, celery, red onion, scallions, and green pepper.
  4.    In a small bowl, mix the remaining ingredients to form the dressing. Add to potato mix. Toss lightly to coat. 
  5.    Serve and eat warm. 
  6.    Cover and refrigerate leftovers.
   Eat the left overs cold!

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You will see differences in the photos I used. This is to show that you can your own ingredients. Bacon, cheese cubes, parsley, cilantro, anything you like. 

Do you have a dish you like both hot and cold? I know a go to, obvious for most people, is pizza.
I'd love to hear yours!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Yum! Thanks, Lisa.
    Happy Friday!

    Pat T

    1. You're welcome, Pat! True story. I don't like potato salad. LOL I like making it, but the eating of it.

  2. This looks delicious!!! I am going to print this up and try this! Thanks, Lisa K!

  3. Do so love potato salad. It's one of those things that you can make with what's on hand or what hits your fancy at the time. I always put some vinegar in mine of that twang to go along with the sweet. I fact, I keep a bowl of Kraft salad dressing, mustard, honey mustard and vinegar mixed up in my refrigerator most times. Never know when you are going to have half a baked potato begging to be made in a one serving of potato salad. :)
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Wow, Kay! I've never know anyone to have a potato salad readiness kit! LOL You are serious about your tater salad! Great I idea though. And a wonderful way to use leftovers.
