
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Today I'm joining Berkley Mystery in 
celebrating the February 22 release
Book 1 in the Molly Madison Mysteries
by Peggy Rothchild

When Molly Madison, dog-wrangler extraordinaire, stumbles upon a murder in her new hometown, she must track down a killer to save the day.

Ex-police officer and former P.I. Molly Madison is starting over. After the death of her husband, she and her golden retriever, Harlow, move cross-country to California. But as charming and peaceful as the beachside town seems, she soon learns its tranquil tides hold dark secrets.
On her first day in the new house, a large, slobbering Saint Berdoodle wanders in. Molly winds up taking on the responsibility of training Noodle since his owner is too busy to do the job. On one of their daily beachside walks, Noodle digs up a severed hand. Once Molly alerts the police and they run a background check on her, an incident from her past makes her an immediate suspect—after all, Noodle’s testimony to clear her name won’t hold much water in court. 
To prove her innocence, Molly must rely on instincts keener than a canine’s to sniff out the real killer. But when Molly’s life is put in danger, will her two very loyal pups be able to rescue her?

A good start to a new series. A DEADLY BONE TO PICK by Peggy Rothschild introduces protagonist Molly Madison, ex law enforcement, who is starting over in a new town with her dog, Harlow.

The location of Pier Point is lovely, and a place I’d want to visit. I enjoyed getting to meet the local townspeople even though I had a hard time connecting with one of them. Just like real life, right?

The storyline was enjoyable and had some good twists. In the end, I couldn’t figure this one out, so the reveal was surprising.

It’s clear that author Rothschild is a good writer. I look forward to see how she fleshes out her characters, and what she has instore next for Peggy.

I'm an author, mystery-lover, friend of the feline, avid gardener and yoga enthusiast. Oh yeah -- and I'm a serious chocoholic!

I spent my wonder years in Los Angeles and my blunder years in Boston. While I don't miss the snow, Boston's a great place to live -- plus, I met my wonderful husband there.

At present, we live in the beautiful beach community of Los Osos.

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds like an interesting read.
    Happy Thursday!

    Pat T

  2. Thank you for your review on "A DEADLY BONE TO PICK" by Peggy Rothchild and for introducing me to a new to me author.

    Love starting a new series and exploring new to me authors. This book sounds like a great way to do both.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
