
Thursday, February 17, 2022

What's Cooking?
Good ole country cooking!


This revised, four-color edition of The Farmer’s Wife Cookbook features country-kitchen recipes that appeared in Midwestern America’s Farmer’s Wife magazine between 1893 and 1939.

Beloved by home cooks since the magazine was first published, the recipes resonate now more than ever as many of us—from the countryside, city, and in between—return from quick meals on the go to 
slow, scratch cookingfresh and wholesome ingredients (often homegrown, self-made, or from the farmer’s market); and the tradition of Sunday dinners and eating together with family and friends.

Best Recipes from the Farmer’s Wife Cookbook brings together the most popular, easy-to-follow recipes and variations along with dozens of menus that originated in farm kitchens nationwide and appeared on the pages of the magazine over its publication around the start of the twentieth century. This new edition is illustrated with color photographs and completely redesigned to appeal to a modern-day cook who wants to bring the warmth and family of the Farmer’s Wife to their own kitchen.Recipes include:

Macaroni and Cheese
Pie—all kinds!
Southern Fried Chicken
Fried Green Tomatoes
Spiced Oatmeal Cookies
Michigan Cherry Pie
Apple Plum Jam
Pear Honey
Corn Chowder
Swedish Meatballs
Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
And hundreds more!

Wherever you live, this down-home cookbook is the perfect companion to a renewed appreciation for family life and comforting, back-to-basics cooking.


After a very brief introduction, THE BEST RECIPES FROM THE FARMER’S WIFE COOKBOOK, gets right into the recipes. And though I normally like a longer intro, there is no way I can complain about jumping right into the delicious food that I found.

Eleven chapters from Salads to Beverages and everything in between, left me so hungry! Besides the ones listed in the book blurb, here are some of the amazing recipes you’ll find!

Country Kitchen Salad, Vegetable Sandwich Filling, Egg Soup, Hasty-Tasty Stew, Corn Scramble, Steamed Brown Bread, Cheese Straws, Potato Muffins, Hamburger Casserole, Pork Chop Casserole, Chicken Shortcake, Southern Fried Chicken, Baked Spinach with Cheese, Scalloped Tomatoes, Potato Puff, Baked Potato Kugel, Old-Fashioned Applesauce, Caramel Bread Pudding, Jam Marguerite, Honey Drop Hermits, Frosted Creams, Kiss Cake, Banana Fritters, Angel Pie, Herby Pastry and so very many more.

Let me start with my pet-peeve in cookbooks, lack of photos. The photos that are included are beautiful and full color, and make the food look delicious. As you can see from above, there are some interesting foods. Some I’ve never heard of and I’m sure some of you haven’t either. Photos of those would have been a great help.

There are a lot of old time dishes in this cookbook, as one would expect from the title. The recipes themselves are clear and easy to follow. And they’re short and simple. I love that. Longwinded, many multi-stepped recipes can be so intimidating.

I was given a chance to review this cookbook and happily did so. That being said, I so enjoyed the simplicity of the recipes, and they reminded me so much of my Mommom, and parents, I ordered a copy of my own!  

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds like there are a lot of great recipes.
    Happy Thursday!
    Pat T

  2. Sounds like a neat cookbook. Thanks!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
