
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Today and random Tuesdays I'm be bring back
Cookie Jar Tuesday.
I'll include with each one a cozy that is cookie related.
The recipes won't be from the books I'm featuring. They have been posted before by myself and other bloggers, and want to bring you some fresh ones. On with the show (um . . .blog)!

Today's featured cozy is
Book 1 in the Cookie Cutter Shop Mysteries

Olivia Greyson is the proud owner of The Gingerbread House-a quaint shop that specializes in all things cookie-and her best friend, Maddie, is her sidekick, baking up scrumptious treats for their cookie-themed parties. But now they must take a break from baking and find a killer, or else their reputation-and quite possibly their lives-will be battered for good.

I read COOKIE DOUGH OR DIE when I was still new to cozies. I swallowed this book whole! It's truly what you think of when you think cozy mystery. 

Fun characters, a small town, and a protagonist with a fun occupation. I mean, can you imagine working in/owning a store based on cookie cutters and all things cookies? Oh! I left out, a Yorkie named, Spunky!

Treat yourself and read COOKIE DOUGH OR DIE!
(My official review, but not bad!) 

This week's cookie is one I could eat each and every day. I also chose because it make me think of Spring, and I know most of you are ready to be done with winter.

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2½ cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. kosher salt
¾ cups (1½ sticks) un-slated butter, softened
1¼ cups granulated sugar, plus more for rolling (set aside ¾ cup for rolling - see         below in directions)
¼ cup packed light brown sugar
zest of 2 lemons
large egg, plus 1 egg yolk
4 Tbsp lemon juice
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   In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt. 
   In another large bowl using a hand mixer, beat together butter, ¾ cup sugars, and lemon zest. Add egg and yolk and beat until combined. Scrape down sides then add lemon juice. Add dry ingredients and mix until just combined. 
   Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until well chilled, at least 2 hours.
   Preheat oven to 350°. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment and place sugar in a small bowl. Roll 3 tablespoon scoops of dough and round into a ball (don't overwork the dough), Roll ball through the reserved sugar. 
   Place on baking sheet 2" apart.
   Bake until edges are just set and middles are still soft, 12 to 14 minutes. Let cool on baking sheets.
   Pour glaze over over cookies.
Lemon Glaze Ingredients
1 ¾ cups of confectioners sugar
¼ cup of lemon juice
the zest of one lemon (or more!)
1 tsp of salted butter


In a large measuring cup or bowl, combine the sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest.

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Can't you just smell the lemon in the air?
I hope you enjoyed today's recipe.
Please let me know if you make them!

Also, let me know if you have read or are going to read COOKIE DOUGH OR DIE.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Ooh, I need to find a way to tweak those lemon cookies so I can eat them. (Looking into GF flours, alternative sugars, and other items so I can back goodies that I can actually eat!) Virginia Lowell is a new-to-me author that I can get all of her books through the Interlibrary Loan Program our local library participates in. Best part is I can borrow them all in Large Print!!! Yay, for me and yay for the author since, like you, I review all books I read. Have a terrific Tuesday, y'all!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Just looking at that cookie makes me want one.
    Happy Tuesday!
    Pat T
