
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

A new year means new books!
If you're anything like me, you also love book themed items. Here are a few fun things that I love.
Let me know if you have a favorite.
(I'm including the links (all to Amazon) for your convenience. I have no affiliation with them, and receive nothing for recommending them.)



Oh my golly goodness, there are so many things!
I stopped at eight because honestly, I could have looked for hours!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Great items, Lisa! Books (and cats) are my favorite things.
    Happy Wednesday!
    Pat T

  2. Some awesome gift ideas! They say the best gifts to give are the ones you want to keep for yourself. :)
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
