
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Please leave a comment so I see if it's working today.
Thank you!

In case you missed it . . . please read below.

Hello all.
You may have noticed that your comments haven't been posted. That's because I'm not getting them.
There is some sort of glitch going on. I've learned other bloggers and commenters are having the same problem.
My friend, Pat has found a way to get her comments to come through to me. She has been kind enough to explain what she did.

Hey, Lisa! I use my iPhone to comment and, since the last iOS update, I’ve had to go into Settings, Safari and turn off  “prevent cross-site tracking” to be able to comment. (Then, I have to remember to turn it back on!?!) I know it’s some type of security feature but am not techie enough to understand.
Hope this might help others.
Pat T

 Now, Pat has an iPhone. I'm hoping this will help other iPhone users. However, if you don't have an iPhone I'm hoping something in what she says can help you.

Until things are fixed, I will only be posting a check in post each day. Please continue commenting each day so I'll know if they're coming through or not. Somehow this will all get worked out. 

In the mean time, please continue commenting so I'll know if they're coming through or not.

As for the Amazon gift card giveaway, please keep your answers from the last few days. When everything is worked out, the giveaway will continue. 

Please hang in there with me my friends. I adore you all and would me you if you left. Heck, I'm already missing you!



  1. I am commenting from a laptop using Edge browser. I don't see my comment from yesterday wishing y'all a Blessed New Year. So today I am using my infrequently posted URL to see if this works.

  2. Happy New Year Lisa. Last year was a lot of fun. Looking forward to what this new year brings. Blessings.

  3. Hi Lisa! Just checking in to see if it's working!

  4. jmvarner50@hotmail.comJanuary 1, 2022 at 10:50 AM

    Got the email and was able to click and read the post.

  5. It's comining onto my inbox on my pc! But I think the problem is with getting the notices on phones, right? Ginnie

  6. Hi Lisa
    Happy New Year! I get this by emails as well and I got them all, thank you


  7. Happy New Year!
