
Friday, December 3, 2021


Cozy Food Friday

Christmas Sweets version!

Christmas is full of savory dishes that we love, right?
But come on, let's be honest here.
It's all about the sweets!

Check out this Christmas sweet.



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When I was first given one of these to try, I wasn't told what it was. I was just told to taste it. It was love at first bite! I couldn't believe it when I was told that this sweet, crunchy treat was made with saltine crackers!


40 (at least) Saltine Crackers - depends on the size of your baking      

¾ cup white granulated sugar

1½ sticks softened butter (Unsalted is best, but salted works)

2  cups semisweet chocolate chips

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   Place crackers in a single layer, end to end on a parchment paper lined 15x10x1-in. baking pan. 

   In a large saucepan, bring butter and sugar to a boil. 

   Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 5-6 minutes or until mixture is thickened and sugar is completely dissolved. Pour and spread over crackers.

  1.    Bake at 350° for 7-8 minutes or until bubbly. 
  2.    Remove from oven and sprinkle with the semisweet chocolate chips. Bake 3-5 minutes longer or until chips begin to melt
  3.    Remove from oven. With spatula (knife or back of spoon) spread chocolate evenly over top. Let cool.
  4.    Once completely cooled, break into pieces like nut brittle.
  5.    These must be kept refrigerated. (I keep mine in the freezer!)
  6.    You can also go crazy with these. While chocolate on top is still hot, sprinkle with chopped nuts, raisins, broken pretzel bits, crushed candy canes, or anything else that sounds tasty to you. 
  7.    Once cooled, you can also swirl with melted white chocolate across the top.
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Warning: These are highly addictive!
If they're wrong, I don't wanna be right! 😉

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  1. How much butter is needed? The recipe doesn't say.

    1. Sorry about that. 1½ stick. I've added it to the ingredients list.

  2. Chocolate covered saltines look yummy…salty and sweet.
    Happy Friday, Lisa!
    Pat T

  3. YUMMY! Sounds like you ought to make two batches just so other can give it a try. LOL
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
