
Sunday, November 28, 2021

I hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving.
I sure did. Great food, ugly sweater cookie decorating contest, and a game called 5 Second Rule that had me laughing so hard my stomach hurt and I couldn't breath. 

I went shopping for a bit on Friday.
No! Not Black Friday shopping. No way!
I went thrift store shopping for treasure for my eBay.
I found some great things and I can't wait to get them listed!

I know this was a boring post. I'm sorry about that. Thursday and Friday caught up to me. LOL 

Have a great day my friends!


  1. Glad your Thanksgiving was wonderful. Ours was very good also. And yes thursday, friday and saturday caught up with me also.

  2. Happy Sunday, Lisa!

    Pat T

  3. That's why for most it's a four day weekend - you need a couple days to rest and recoup from the feast and events of Thanksgiving. :)
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
