
Monday, November 8, 2021

A Cup of Tea and a Cozy Take Over...

 Good Morning from the West West Coast of Canada. Karen here, from the much neglected blog, A Cup of Tea and a Cozy Mystery, doing a surprise takeover for my friend Lisa...

How is it Monday already? Anyone else noticing that the days have been disappearing faster since September 1st? It is like a vortex has swallowed us all and is hurling us through to the holiday season.  Truth be told, my pumpkins and Halloween decorations are still out on my front step and in our tree. I was going to take them down this weekend but we had a Tornado Warning and we were told to stay inside, so the Halloween décor is still out. Side note I have never had a tornado warning in my life, and we only found out about it when the warning and order to shelter in place was rescinded and the tornado touched down briefly about an hours drive from me. The only casualties I am told were the grounds of the UBC golf course and trees along the Campus...

In Canada, we have already had our Thanksgiving, on the US Columbus day. So our stores are in full Christmas mode if you are brave enough to venture out. This week for us we have our Remembrance Day observations, and then it will be Christmas 100% of the time in public shopping places. Though some of us are still shopping on line and avoiding public places all together, you just cant help get swept up in the holiday craze!

But my question for you all who are kindly still here, knowing it is me and not our fabulous Lisa K, is 

what makes you feel comfy and cozy, this time of year?

Is it what you are Reading? Sipping? Creating? Wearing? Listening too?

For me, I am still struggling in grief and ADHD so reading for me is extremely difficult, I am on the same cozy mystery I started at the end of September and while the book is amazing, my brain just can't seem to hold the story in my head or see the words on the paper.  As for sipping, I have been trying some fall types of tea, a Butterscotch Chai tea, (from a friend who sells MLM teas on line, )but I have also indulged in a daily cup of hot chocolate with a dollop of whip cream. I have kept my non reading hands busy with some holiday circuit crafts for all my students (I work in an Elementary school not, as my tea shop was closed due to the pandemic) and I have so much joy with my Joy machine. I put names on some "Read to me Elves" for the Kindergartners and "Names on Ornaments" for the slightly older kids I have the privilege of spending my days with. What am I wearing... Well the last two days PJ's, seriously an upside to "shelter in place", and listening too... Christmas Music. I know that it is early like really early but it has lifted my mood and made cleaning, crafting and organizing a little easier... 

So now it is your turn, share your answers below, and let us know what is helping you feel comfy and cozy during this crazy season! 

Thank you Lisa for allowing me a place to stop by and share my thoughts, photos and ask my questions. A thank you as well for taking the time to stop by and say hello. Oh and Squirrel my cat says hello!


  1. Hi, Karen (and Squirrel). I’m not very creative but the other things you mentioned..reading, sipping (coffee for me, occasionally tea), wearing PJs and listening to Christmas music all make me cozy and comfortable. I’m also looking forward to watching Christmas movies. There are certain ones I watch every year, in December.
    Happy Monday, to you and Lisa!
    Pat T

  2. Good morning Karen!

    Being senior citizens with medical issues, we too are staying pretty much at home. Even though we are both fully vaccinated, so many aren't and it's not like they wear a warning label. Being retired we are use to being home and have always managed to keep ourselves busy and as active as possible.

    Now that fall is here, it means less yard and garden work - which by this time of year is a great blessing even if we do so enjoy the fresh veggies and seeing all the pretty flowers. Although we aren't able to sit outside and see all our daily critter visitors as much as we like, there is also joy in enjoying the fireplace and getting more reading in. However, it seems that it's also time for all our doctor and dentist appointments which means the month of November has us on the road as much as at home it seems.

    We don't decorate near as much as we use to, but we still enjoy celebrating each holiday. I can get into the Christmas movies and themed books for sure.

    My favorite drink any time of year and any time of day is Diet Pepsi. With cooler weather it means we don't mind having the oven on more which results in more meals like roast or chicken and dressing (which we had last night) and baked goodies. Enjoy being able to get comfy at home in sweats or jeans and loose tops too.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Welcome today and thanks for helping Lisa. My daughter also had ADHD. But she would not take medicine. So he researched (a lot) and found ways that work for her, that would help her control things, medicine free. This was when she was in middle school. She is now 34 and still has it. But she is just doing fantastic. We just made a lot of labels for my mother in law. She is now 89 and still doing good, with the exception of a few areas. What helps me to feel comfy and cozy during this time? Well I have done a lot of reading, sewing and gardening, canning and making greeting cards. (I now make them for my mother in law to give to her great grand kids) I have been loving hot teas recently. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  4. Hi Karen!

    Curling up in an afghan I knitted or crocheted with a mug of hot coffee, reading a cozy mystery, and cuddling with my kitty makes me feel comfy and cozy this time of year. I usually have one of the Hallmark channels on. My fall/winter comfort foods are Chicken ‘n Dumplings, homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, or Chili Upside-Down Pie.

  5. Good morning Karen. Delighted to read your blog here. Comfy/cozy for me is a cup of tea or coffee under a fuzzy blanket and reading. The weather now is quite sunny so I find I am doing more paper crafting (finishing Christmas gifts for the kiddos). So I guess cozy is staying in and keeping busy. Hugs to you.

  6. What makes me comfy and cozy this time of year? Some good Jumbo Sweet and Tangy Hot Chocolate, A mug of Hot Chocolate with lots of Marshmallows, a good book to read, my blogs, Baking(I learned how to do) and anything I can think of.

  7. Loved hearing from you all! Hoping you stay comfy and cozy.

  8. Gosh I have to say whatever my mood dictates at the time, is what keeps me cozy. Our weather in Texas allows us to be outside.. & I do have chickens to tend to, yard work,, etc.
