
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Hello everyone!
I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading all of your comments! It helps me to get to know you so much better. And please, don't go back to being shy once the blog is back to normal. I love to hear from you every day!

We'll be off on the road again today. My one sister has to get back to work tomorrow, so we're going to make the most of it today! 

What many of you don't know is, I'm a picky eater. Most people don't look at overweight people and think of us as picky eaters. But I really am. Of course, most of the food I don't like is food that is good for me. So, today, I'm going to be trying a new food. Healthy or not, I'm going to try something I might normally not try. I'll let you know how it goes. 😉

Make sure to come back each day while I'm gone. I'm going to have question waiting for you everyday. Every day leave a comment with your answer to that day's question. When I get back, I'll read all the responses, and randomly pick a winner for a surprise gift. 
Winner will be chosen by
November 14th.

NOTE: Please remember, comments are moderated. They will not be posted until I have read and approved them. I don't do this to stop any of my readers from posting, I do it to weed out Spam.  


  1. Hope you try somethung fun, that is how I had my first bison burger.

  2. I, too, was once a very picky eater. When I was 25, I spent 37 days in the hospital and learned I had to try things or starve. I'm still very opinionated about what I like, but I will give most things a try. The one thing I just can't get my head around to try is raw oysters on the half shell. Hubby loves them, but just the thought of eating them turns my stomach. I think it goes back to when I was very young and someone said "Why buy a dozen when you can buy one, tie a string to it and yank it up and down 12 times." YUCK!

    We never forced our daughter to eat anything, but also told her she couldn't say she hated it until she had tried it.

    Good luck in your food adventure today!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Have fun, Lisa!
    I’m not a picky eater but I’ll never eat liver! I was anemic, when young, and the doctor told my mother to feed me liver. It did not go well! ;)
    Pat T

  4. I'm overweight and a picky eater too. I'm a creature of habit and not an adventurous eater, so I'm extremely reluctant to try new foods. I'm looking forward to hearing what you tried and if you liked it!

  5. I'm a picky eater myself and always have. I like to think I got better as I got older and even try more things.
    You'd think I lose weight since I don't eat much and don't even eat as much sweets as I used to but I don't and if I do lose weight, it's only a couple of pounds LOL.
    Have a good day

  6. Have a great day. And in trying something new to eat, go for it and be pleasantly surprised. There is a world of flavors and tastes out there. Just have fun doing it.

  7. I'm not picky at all. I will try anything at least once. I love trying new cuisines.

  8. There are food items I will only eat if the dish is prepared a certain way.

    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  9. I don't see a question for today, so I will just say "Have a great time with your sisters!!" Have fun and stay safe!

  10. I hope you try more than one new food, but let us know..maybe even a photo or two huh? Not all overweight people are overweight because they eat, some have medical or emotional issues. I do know a few. Y'all enjoy! nani_geplcs(at)yahoo(dot)com
