
Monday, October 18, 2021

Happy Monday my friends!
It's that time again.
Birthday break!
I'm taking some time off to sleep in, read, play, sleep in, watch tv and movies, just get in the car and drive, sleep in . . . you get it.

But I will be back because . . .
 . . . to me!

I'm taking 2 weeks. 
Today, Oct 18 thru Oct 31.
I'm be back Nov ready to go!
Remember, you all are my

Please do come back each day while I'm gone. I'm going to have question waiting for you everyday. Every day leave a comment with your answer to that day's question. When I get back, I'll read all the responses, and randomly pick a winner for a surprise gift. 
Winner will be chosen by
November 14th.

That's it my friends! 
I'll be "officially" back on Nov 1! 
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay strong.
Oh yeah . . . And read!


  1. Enjoy your break, Lisa. Celebrate that birthday!
    Happy week!

    Pat T

  2. Have fun! This is my birthday week so I'm going to be doing a little me time too. :)
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Happy Birthday. Hope it is filled with lots of love and laughter. Have a great time off and look forward to hearing from you again when you get back

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope your time off is everything you want it to be.

    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  5. When I was in my 20's I dressed up as a cute bunny, with a cotton tail and everything, don't have a picture, but I looked good! and I sewed it myself!

  6. Happy Birthday, Lisa. Enjoy your time off.

  7. I dressed up as Ghost and the costume was handmade by Mom. I even won first place at a costume party for the costume. This is my favorite & most practical costume but most of all it was made with lots of love. I'll always remember this costume.

  8. Happy Birthday. Mine was Oct 19th
