
Monday, August 30, 2021


Have you ever wondered what your favorite author would be doing if they hadn't chosen to be a writer?
Shudder the thought! 

I asked some of my favorites the same question.

Here's what author 
Edith Maxwell / Maddie Day 
has to say.

Thanks, Lisa, for asking me over today! I am beyond thrilled that No Grater Crime, my twenty-fifth novel, released last week. It’s also the ninth Country Store Mystery. For regular readers, rest assured the series continues after this book.

But the topic of this blog isn’t writing. It’s what I would do if I didn’t write murder mysteries for a living.

Um, wow. It’s hard to wrap my head around that. Since I began writing what ended up as A Tine to Live, a Tine to Die back in 1994 when my younger son went off to kindergarten, there is nothing I’ve wanted more than to be a full-time fiction author.

If I weren’t, I wouldn’t have written three series as Edith Maxwell (tentatively beginning a new one now, in fact): the two-book Lauren Rousseau Mysteries, the five-book Local Foods Mysteries, and the seven-book historical Quaker Midwife Mysteries. Five of the books featuring midwife Rose in a late-nineteenth-century mill town have been nominated for an Agatha Award for Best Historical Novel, and Charity’s Burden won the coveted prize last year.

I also wouldn’t have discovered my Maddie Day Author persona, who apparently has an in with readers. The Country Store Mysteries, featuring Robbie Jordan, chef, carpenter, and bicyclist, and her southern Indiana restaurant Pans ’N Pancakes, are wildly popular. I am under contract through book eleven, plus another Christmas novella, and my editor hinted the series can go on well beyond that. The Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries also sell super well, with Cape Cod bike shop owner Mac Almeida, her goofy parrot Belle, and her book group who only reads cozy mysteries – and helps her solve crimes.

I wouldn’t have gotten letters from readers telling me my book got them through their mother’s day-long surgery or their own hospital stay. And I wouldn’t have stretched my creative muscles, over and over, reaching to use the most eloquent language I can in the service of the story, striving to craft a suspenseful, entertaining, puzzling mystery for readers, delving into my imagination for new character traits and intriguing plots.

All of that means so much to me. This is the best job I’ve ever had, next to being a mother, and I hope it’s my last.

But say, just say, I hadn’t discovered my love of writing fiction. I might be a retired tech writer by now. I might have clean closets and have dealt with the boxes of unsorted photographs in the basement. Maybe I would have taken up the cello again after fifty years or joined a community theater group.

I easily could be volunteering in my town more than I do now, teaching conversational English to immigrants or serving on more committees at my church, Amesbury Friends Meeting (although I have been active with my faith community all along), which is also where midwife Rose worshiped.

If I had grandchildren, I would be spending a lot of time with them, and still hope to after they come along. But for now? I am so happy doing what I’m doing, I’ll put off retirement for a long, long time.

Readers: Are you living your dream? If not, what do you dream to do? I’d love to give away a signed copy of the new book to one of you.

Robbie Jordan’s Pans ’N Pancakes boasts delicious eats and the best vintage cookware finds in South Lick, Indiana. And now, for a limited time, there’s a new special featured on the menu—murder!
Ever since meeting the wary owners of an antique shop opening across the street, Robbie has been scrambling to manage weird incidences plaguing her cafĂ© and country store. Pricey items vanish from shelves without explanation, a fully equipped breakfast food truck starts lingering around the area each morning, and loyal diners mysteriously fall ill. When an elderly man dies after devouring an omelet packed with poisonous mushrooms, Robbie must temporarily close down Pans ’N Pancakes and search for the killer with a real zest for running her out of business—or else.  

Maddie Day pens the bestselling Country Store Mysteries and Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries. As Edith Maxwell, she writes the Agatha Award-winning Quaker Midwife Mysteries and short crime fiction. She’s a lifetime member of Sisters in Crime and lives north of Boston with her beau and crazy teenage cat, Ganesh. Find her (and Maddie) at her web site, at Wicked Authors, at Mystery Lovers Kitchen on the second and fourth Fridays, and on social media under both names: Edith M. Maxwell and Maddie Day Author.


Winner to be announced soon

Congratulations Sandy T! 
Be on the lookout for an email for Eidth/Maddy about your prize.

For a chance to win a copy of 
answer Edith's question of
Are you living your dream? 
If not, what do you dream to do?
Leave your answer and your email address in the comments, and Edith will pick a winner. 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by submitting your email in 
upper right hand corner of this page (on the side bar).

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  1. I always accept the fact that I am living the life God has directed my path in life to do. That path is one of being a wife and mother to two children. Some may feel this is no big deal but dealing with the daily challenges I face each day it is to me. Thanks for the opportunity to enter for a chance at one of Edith Maxwell's Robbie Jordan's new book.

    1. That's plenty, Robin, and I'm glad you are happy with your life.

  2. I'm very happy living my dream - retired, living in a place we always loved, spending time with hubby and enjoying our hobby of photography and travel (before Covid and hopefully again real soon).

    I, for one among thousands, are very happy that you choose writing for your occupation. We love your books and always look forward to the next one with great anticipation. It's wonderful to be able to do what you want to be doing and at the same time be doing it to perfection.

    Since I've had the honor or reading NO GRATER CRIME, I will leave the giveaway to others giving someone else the chance to read this fabulous book. But was more than happy to share everywhere. :)

    Keep up the good "work" and keep the books a coming!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Thanks, Kay. You always sound very content with your life - not all can say that.

  3. I hope to be living the dream someday by traveling all over the world!

    1. That's a great dream! I am fortunate to have lived in several international spots (Brazil, Japan, France, Mali, and Burkina Faso) and to have visited quite a few more.

  4. Welcome today. Thanks for being honest and vulnerable with us. Yes I am living my dream. When I was nine, I wanted to be like mom. God first, Lots of kids, homemaker, loving wife, sewer, etc. I got all of the above with the exception of lots of kids. LOL my husband and I decided to stop after two. I was the oldest of five and my husband was second of five. Two children was perfect for us. Now I am retired ( I needed to work for a handful of years while my husband had no job) But seriously, all that he allowed me to do and be, noooo problem. This cover is wonderful. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  5. I'm living my dream of a quiet retirement in a senior community with my husband. Also 1 block from the library! Wish I had better health to also do hobbies of painting, crafts and sewing but arthritis has set in. I have lots of time to read and that is a blessing anyways.

  6. I'm not living my dream yet, hopefully I will one day soon when I move back to Michigan.

  7. I wish I was living with my soulmate and traveling. I am happy that I will become a grandma in a few weeks! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. I am completely jealous of your grandmotherhood! Wishing a safe birth.

  8. Hi Maddie!
    I love your writings and honestly can say you're one of my favorite authors.
    No, I've not been living my dream, but, the life I've lived for 73 years has been enriched by having four wonderful children who I wouldn't trade for anything!
    My desire to be an attorney was dashed when my father would not support me in mr dream. He did not believe in females going to college nor being anything other than a housewife and mother. During that time it was not feasible for us lower middleclass young women to pay for education and live on their own so I settled for the life my father believed in
    Don't get me wrong, raising my children was the most rewarding experience of my life and I now enjoy them and their children in my golden years. sxygrndma48(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. I'm glad you have all of them, Dandy, and thanks for loving my books.

  9. I don't know that I am living my dream. Probably not. For the last decade or so I have been acting as the live in caregiver for my mother. Unfortunately, my mother passed away two months ago in June. Now I have to rebuild my life, and I have very little idea as to where I want it to go. The dreams that I have had seem unlikely to come true for various reasons, but I still hope that I can find happiness.

    I'm glad that you get to do what you love, Edith. Enjoy it for as long as you can.

    Thank you for the chance to win. Blackfur1129(at)aol(dot)com

    1. I'm so sorry about your mother's passing, Meg, and hope you find your new path soon.
