
Monday, June 21, 2021


Today I'm joining 
Berkley Mystery
 in celebrating the release of  
Book 53 in the Murder She Wrote Mysteries
by Jessica Fletcher &
Terrie Farley Moran!

When a friend’s husband dies while Jessica Fletcher is in town visiting, Jessica’s vacation turns into a murder investigation in this latest entry in the long-running USA Today bestselling series.

After traveling to Bethesda for a mystery writers’ conference, Jessica Fletcher decides she’s earned a vacation and takes a train to Columbia, South Carolina, to visit her old college friend Dolores, who has recently married her third husband, Willis Nickens, a wealthy and cutthroat businessman. They’ve moved into an opulent historic home with plenty of space for guests, and Jessica is ready for a week of shopping, gossiping, and relaxing at the grand estate.

But the morning after she arrives, Jessica discovers Willis facedown in the koi pond, and despite what the police think, she’s sure foul play is involved. She hadn’t known Willis long, but it’s clear to her that he didn’t concern himself with making friends. The question isn’t if her friend’s husband was murdered but by whom.

What happens when a dearly beloved, long running series, based on a hit TV show, gets a new author? You get, MURDER SHE WROTE: KILLING IN A KOI POND, one of the best MSW books I have read to date! 5 Stars all the way!

Author Terrie Farley Moran, now in the driver’s seat of the MSW series, brings a freshness to the 53 book series, while managing to keep true to the integrity and legacy of the Murder She Wrote brand. No offense to author Jessica Fletcher, but she has met her match with her new co-author. Moran’s writing voice is strong from the first to the last page.

KILLING IN A KOI POND is a quick paced tale the will keep readers turning the page faster and faster as the mystery builds. It’s a whodunit in every sense of the word. With a list of suspects and motives expanding, my brain was given a true workout trying to solve this mystery. In the end, I was left with my mouth agape, completely stunned by the reveal. Brava Ms. Moran.

MURDER SHE WROTE purists will find that this wonderful series is in very capable hands. 

Terrie Farley Moran is thrilled to be co-author, along with Jessica Fletcher, of the long running Murder, She Wrote series. Murder, She Wrote Killing in a Koi Pond (June 2021) will be followed by Murder, She Wrote Debonair in Death (November 2021). She has also written the beachside Read 'Em and Eat cozy mystery series, and is co-author of Laura Childs’ New Orleans scrapbooking mysteries. Her short stories have been published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Mystery Weekly Magazine and numerous anthologies. Terrie is a recipient of both the Agatha and the Derringer awards. Find her online at or on Facebook at

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  1. Thanks, Lisa! Sounds great.
    Happy Monday!

    Pat T

  2. wonderful post. I really do enjoy Murder She Wrote. Have for many years
