
Sunday, May 16, 2021

I hope today finds you all happy and healthy.
I know it's soon after the last, but today is another off topic day. 

About 5 years ago, I, Lisa A Kelley, who spent most of my life sticking my nose up to it, became a NASCAR fan. 
When you live in Dover, Delaware and the small towns surrounding, the words "the races are in town this weekend" can fill you with dread. As a local living close to Dover Downs aka . . . 

 . . . getting around town on race weekend can be a nightmare for locals. There are literally areas of town we avoid. The traffic is just too crazy. 

What? Oh yeah . . . I digress. 
I now love NASCAR and never miss a race on TV. 

As great luck will have it, my sister Darlene won two tickets for today's big race! I'll be dropping her and my sister Tammie off at Miles the Monster.

If you want an idea how big Miles is, those are the bleachers behind him. Miles stands 46 feet tall!

If I love the races so much, why am I not going? 
A couple of reasons that I won't bore you with. But I'm okay with it. And, I'm excited for Tammie. She loves NASCAR. She's the one who got me into it. Darlene entered to win the tickets for Tam to have the chance to go. And Darlene, well she won't admit it, but she likes it too.

After I drop my sisters off, I will be coming home, putting on my comfy clothes, and watching the races from my happy place.
If I'm completely honest about it, at some point, it may look more like . . . 
So, does anyone else watch NASCAR? 
Do you watch any sports at all? I like football too, but only when the Pittsburg Steelers are playing. However, I'm not allowed to watch when they play because I'm a jinx to them and . . . that's an off topic for another post.
While watching the races, I'm going to be studying up on glass patterns and kitchen glassware from the depression era - 1960s. A new love of mine.

Then it's off to pickup the weary races goers and hear all the details of their experience. 

How are you spending your Sunday?
I want to hear all about it!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Today, unfortunately, is a get 'r' done day before the rain hits. Since it's predicting rain for ALL week, anything and everything that needs done outside needs to be done today. Hubby is going to mow while I tend to what needs done with the flowers, garden and making sure the critters needs are tended to like lots of feed out and bird baths are clean and full of fresh water. Once done outside, we will need to clean up so might as well just put in the washer and get the laundry done. Supper tonight is fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and fried cauliflower. I know not the healthiest of meals for a standard for us southerners. So we limit it and today is our day to splurge. Figure all that outside work will maybe make up for the fried foods. :)

    IF not tending to chores, I would be sitting on the porch taking photos of our daily critter visitors. I've been so thrilled this week watching the Baltimore Orioles eating grape jelly and fresh oranges. Unfortunately since they didn't make an appearance at all yesterday, we figure they have migrated on. Yesterday we followed up a lead on an eagle's nest. We were not only able to find it, but photograph the baby eaglet inside it as well as his two parents. This is a great find and will give us many times of enjoyment as we can go back year after year to observe them and photograph them. While there, talked to someone else that stopped by to see them and got a lead on a place to take photos of black bears. Will definitely be following up on that lead as well.

    When not doing chores or siting on the porch or going on location to take critter photos, I love nothing more than to sit back on the porch with ceiling fans on and a glass of Diet Pepsi beside me reading a great book (many of which you have recommended to us) or if weather doesn't permit or the aches and pains say no sitting in that time of chair, I head inside to my recliner which has remote control for so many positions including lumbar and raising just the neck to where I can keep pushing buttons until I can live with pain and read some more. Of course with the pains eased up I'm apt to doze off for a spell too. :)

    Have a great day and enjoy your research and reading!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. I have been a NASCAR fan forever. I always had the biggest crush on Jeff Gordon. Now I root for Kevin Harvick. I live about 2 hours from Darlington and have been so many times I can't count. Have you been to a live race?

  3. Not a fan anymore of NASCAR or any races for that matter. I used to live in Sebring, Florida, and always worked at the closest convenience store to the Sebring race track just to, perhaps, see one of the racers or their team so I could root for them. I have been to Talladega. Used to watch amateur races in several towns I have been luckily enough to be close to racetracks. Now I just live through my friend who is a BIG NASCAR fan. She goes to races as often as she can and NEVER misses a race!
