
Monday, March 22, 2021


I can't turn my back or slack off on my for even a second without one of those sneaky authors taking over my blog!
So, today's blog is brought to you by author
Kaye George!
(She did a great job!)


And why did I pick this topic? I ask because that question doesn’t really have an answer. But I have attempted it many times and I’m going to do it again. (Yes, I know the quote about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Still, you never know.)

Some writers, I contend are born. I’m this type. I can't remember not making up stories. I drew them in crayon before I could write words. One inspiration was my mother--I dedicated my first published novel to her. She told me once that she had ideas for stories, but never got them written down. The one I remember her telling me was even a mystery. That determined me to actually write my stories down. I collected rejection slips from The New Yorker and what was then called Atlantic Monthly for a few years in my late teens and early twenties. Very literary stuff, don't you know. But not literary enough for their editors.

In college, I studied creative writing and was encouraged by my instructor, a professor named Hungerford and a man who credited himself with discovering Saul Bellow. He told me that if I kept writing, I would be a good writer in a few years. I think he meant I didn't have enough life experience yet. But I didn't keep writing since I was married, working, and raising children. I know, not an excuse. After a few years, I was about to explode so I did sneak in some stories whenever I could.

Then, one day I got serious about it. I also lost my job, which helped. A mere ten years, seven novels, and 468 rejections later, I became a published mystery novelist.

Really, though, I think some writers are made, not born. I firmly believe that everyone has a book inside them and could write it if they were motivated enough. With enough practice, enough reading, and enough writing courses, anyone should be able to do it.

I’ve been lucky enough to have published 13 novels now! My latest series, the Vintage Sweets, is by Lyrical Press. The first two came out in 2020, bright spots for me that year: REVENGE IS SWEET, DEADLY SWEET TOOTH, and INTO THE SWEET HEREAFTER. That third one just came out March 9, 2021 and I’d love to give away a copy here!



Kaye is giving away a copy of 
Winner can choose between eBook and Print
Print available to US winner only.

Leave a comment for 
your chance to win!

This giveaway is now over. 

!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS Alicia !!!!! 
You've won a copy of Kaye's book, 
Please message me at
 for details.

Want to follow Kaye or get in touch? 


Thank you, Kaye. What a fantastic takeover! 
You're welcome to highjack me any time!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by submitting your email in 
upper right hand corner of this page (on the side bar).

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  1. Thanks Lisa and Kaye! I agree, some people are born writers. I think I was born a reader.
    Happy Monday!
    Pat T

  2. I'm so glad to be able to do this! Good morning, Lisa K, and welcome, mystery readers.

  3. I'm thankful there are people like you with stories to tell. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Great post! Glad you stuck through all the rejections and came out on the other side! Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Great review and I love the cover. Sounds very good thank you

  6. I really enjoyed the first two books (and the recipes). I'm sure Sweet Hereafter is excellent too.

    1. CONGRATULATIONS Alicia! You've won a copy of Kaye's book, INTO THE SWEET HEREAFTER!
      Please message me at for details.

  7. Do you have a writing schedule?

    1. Mostly, I try to write every day. I can usually write at the same time, which for me is around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. That's the time of day my brain works best. The late, fabulous, and very much missed Ramona DeFelice Long used to tell us to declare a Sacred Writing Time. That's kind of what I try to do. Thanks for your interest!

  8. Great story and congrats on 13 books :)

  9. I do so love to learn about new to me authors - especially when we almost share the same first name! I'm now following on Facebook, Goodreads and Bookbub. Can't wait for the opportunity to read "INTO THE SWEET HEREAFTER" which is now on my TBR list.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  10. This posting was excellent Kaye. Great job. I loved every one of your books but have at least one or two to catch up since I’ve had more vision problems. I use a lot of books on CD if I can and love when authors give away copies of their books especially Audible books. Books are such a blessing for those of us who don’t get out much for whatever reason besides this virus situation. Wishing you all good things, Kaye!

  11. Thanks for all the interest and the kind comments! I have the best readers and fans!

  12. Also born with a vivid imagination! Congrats Kaye! xo

  13. Great post! I am glad you did not give up trying to publish your work since it means that we get to enjoy reading them. Vintage Sweets sounds like a great title for a series! Love it! cherierj at yahoo dot com

  14. I love cozy mysteries! Thank you for offering a chance to win this book!! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  15. Thanks again for everyone's interest! Lisa K's place is a great place to be. I think she's going to announce a winner soon!
