
Thursday, February 18, 2021

I'm joining Berkley Mystery today
in celebrating the release of  
Book 8 in the Second Chance Cat Mysteries
by Sofie Ryan

Sarah Grayson and her capable cat, Elvis, go undercover in the newest installment of the New York Times bestselling Second Chance Cat Mysteries.

Sarah and Elvis can always be found at a charming secondhand shop in the village of North Harbor, Maine. Despite the small-town setting, the daring duo often find themselves wrapped up in murder, but luckily they have help--a quirky group of senior citizens runs an amateur detective agency called Charlotte's Angels out of the store.

The Angels are hired to look into who is sabotaging cat shows in the state, and they decide the best way to do that is to send Elvis the cat undercover as a contestant. But then one of the cat show volunteers is murdered just before the latest competition, and Sarah and the Angels have to catch a killer in two shakes of a cat's tail!

Ten Random Facts about Sofie Ryan

Many readers know that I love cats, pizza and chocolate; that I’m married; and that I have one daughter—who’s an adult. How did that happen?

Here are ten things you may not know about me:

1. I know the words to the theme song from the TV show, Bonanza. I think it’s a writer thing. We notice and remember details that other people don’t. I heard the words once years ago, they stuck in my brain, and yes I did once win a trivia contest with that information.

2. I know how to curtsey. My proper British mother insisted my sister and I had to learn in case we met the Queen. Even as a kid I knew that wasn’t likely. I also learned that the Queen should be addressed as Your Majesty upon our being introduced and Ma’am after that. 

3. I have a background clearance from Interpol. My daughter is adopted and this was one of the requirements as part of the reams of paperwork.

4. I’m short. For some reason people often think I’m tall and they’re surprised when they meet me in person. As a kid I was generally one of the tallest people in my class throughout elementary school. I’ve been this height since I was 12.

5. I have never broken a bone—to this point. I have fallen out of trees, off of a merry-go-round, up stairs, down stairs and been hit (hard) in the head by the boom of a sailboat, but no broken bones. (I hope I haven’t jinxed myself now.)

6. I hate hardboiled eggs. I will eat just about anything, sometimes from curiosity—I tried squid, very rubbery—sometimes because I’m trying to be polite—stinky cheese and liver (not in the same meal). But I loathe hardboiled eggs. They smell funny, even deviled, and they have the consistency of a white eraser. Yes, embarrassingly, I have eaten a white eraser. As I said, I will eat just about anything.

7. English was not my favorite subject in school. I loved math and when I hit high school I liked physics a lot as well. Yes, I was a nerd.

8. I was a late night disc jockey for several years. The hours weren’t great, but I met so many interesting people in the middle of the night.

9. Like Rose in the Second Chance Cat mysteries, I was a Red Rover champion as a kid. I’d lock a death grip on the kids on either side of me and while I ran with arms and legs flailing like I was being chased by a swarm of bees, I was good at hurling myself, with a fair amount of force, at the joined hands of my opponents. Red Rover is the only sport I have ever been good at and I will defend to the death the belief that it is a sport.

10. I didn’t learn to ride a bike until I was eight. I am not co-ordinated. I still run with that bees are chasing me gait. The only reason I did learn to ride at all was because my mother’s best friend put me on a two-wheeler at the top of our gravel driveway, swore she would hold on to the back and then gave me a push. And. Let. Go. I pedaled like crazy, managed to stay on the bike and fell off onto the grass at the bottom.

Sofie Kelly is a New York Times bestselling author and mixed-media artist who lives on the East Coast with her husband and daughter. She writes the New York Times bestselling Magical Cats mysteries and, as Sofie Ryan, writes the New York Times bestselling Second Chance Cat mysteries. Google Books

UNDERCOVER KITTY  is available now!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa.
    Happy Thursday!

    Pat T

  2. Thank you for bringing "UNDERCOVER KITTY" by Sofie Ryan to my attention. Sounds like a great book and one I would greatly enjoy having the opportunity to read. Enjoyed reading the author's random facts.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. How fun to meet you. Such a fun cover. This sounds like a fun and entertaining book. My daughter was the tallest girl in grade school. In sixth grade she reached full maturity and stopped growing at five feet two inches. By thirteen I stopped growing at five feet five inches. So I guess a little hereditary here. Dads mon was five feet two inches and moms mom was five feet four inches. Mom was five feet nine inches.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
