
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

I'm happy today to be spotlighting author
Judy Moore

Judy Moore is the author of the popular thriller, The Mother-in-Law, described by Kirkus Reviews as “A sharply written, suspenseful, domestic thriller.” She is also the author of three traditional mystery novels: Somebody in the Neighborhood, Murder in Vail, and Murder at the Country Club. 

Her latest book is a cozy mystery, A Book Signing to Die For, the first of three standalone cozy mysteries in the Beach Reads bookstore series. The second book, A Beach Wedding to Die For, will be released early this fall.

A Book Signing To Die For by [Judy Moore]
Beck O’Rourke and her grandmother own Beach Reads bookstore and coffee shop, a gathering place for locals and tourists, a block off the ocean in Manatee Beach, Florida.

They live above the bookstore with Beck’s feisty younger sister, Lizzie, a lifeguard. Beck is excited to host the country’s bestselling cozy mystery writer for a book signing event until a member of the audience turns up dead later that night.
Afterward, Beck decides to pursue her lifelong dream of being a detective to try to catch the killer. The amateur sleuth finds a slew of suspects, but the murderer isn’t happy about her interference.

Neither is the town’s handsome new police detective who has a history with Beck.

She has also written numerous novellas, including the Christmas anthology Christmas Interrupted, which contains three novellas: Airport Christmas, The Holiday House Sitter, and The Hitchhiker on Christmas Eve. Her two thriller novellas Pecking Order and Accidents Do Happen are offered perma-free on Football Blues is also available on Amazon.

Ms. Moore has a master's degree in journalism from the University of Florida and worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine feature writer, and publications editor for several years. A former tennis pro, Ms. Moore's writing background also includes sports writing, and athletes from various sports are sprinkled throughout some of her novels. A lifelong resident of Florida, she currently resides in Vero Beach.



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Dawn Andersen and her parents are horrified when her carefree Aunt Amy is found stabbed to death on the beach, the second woman to be murdered in the small oceanside town of Manatee Beach. The police have arrested a homeless man for the murders, but is he the real killer? Dawn, 25, makes the biggest decision of her life when she decides to leave her routine existence in Ohio to move into her aunt’s cottage a block from the ocean in South Florida.From the first night that Dawn arrives in Florida, the feeling of uneasiness never leaves her. There’s the strange man next door who always seems to be watching her. Married neighbors who were infatuated with her beautiful aunt. The nosy, too friendly mailman. A hooded figure who’s been lurking outside her house at night. As Dawn learns more about her aunt’s life in Florida, she becomes convinced that the murderer is closer than she ever imagined, that her aunt’s killer is actually somebody in the neighborhood.

(SOMEBODY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD is setet in the same town of Manatee Beach, Florida, a year before "A Book Signing to Die For," with a few carry-over town characters. But it is not part of the cozy series.) 


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  1. "A Book Signing to Die For" sounds like a wonderful book and a great way to start a cozy series. It's now on my TBR list for sure.

    Thank you the opportunity to win a copy of "SOMEBODY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD". I would love to read and review this book as well as to be able to read something by this author. Shared and hoping to be the fortunate one selected.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Thanks for introducing me to yet another new to me author. And thanks for hosting the book giveaway.

  3. This book sounds delightfully delicious.
    I speak most of my daughter's youth taking her to charming little
    Bookstores for her favorite Author book signings. Sometimes a reading & they got I know her they drew cartoons in her books.
    Cute, (I was going broke -she had to have big hardcover books)
    I did it to get her interested in reading & drawing & writing.

    Your book is the charming store we went to :-)
    Your story sounds terrific.
    By the way daughter now has 2daughters. Yes we are working on getting them to enjoy reading.

    Much success & good health 🌹

  4. Thanks so much Lisa K!!! nani_geplcs(at)yahoo(dot)com
