
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A variety of Print, eBook,
and Audio release today!


PRINT & eBook

The Agatha Award–winning author of Sifting Through Clues returns to the Cookbook Nook, where a combative food reporter gets her just deserts . . .
The denizens of Crystal Cove are salivating over the upcoming Food Bowl Week, when local chefs offer some of their best and most imaginative creations in bite-size portions all over town. Bookstore proprietor Jenna Hart is hungry to sample as many of the delicacies as she can, but when she stumbles onto the dead body of a local food reporter and learns that her best friend’s husband is the primary suspect, she’ll have to summon the appetite for a side dish of sleuthing to prove his innocence.
Jenna knows the ambitious and aggressive reporter, who was strangled at a fitness center with her shredded restaurant reviews scattered around her, left behind a long list of potential suspects. As she begins piecing together the scant clues, she uncovers illicit ties between the victim and a local newspaper owner, a spurned would-be lover, and a host of disgruntled restaurant owners not a bit torn up by the critical reporter’s demise. And with a solution so close she can almost taste it, Jenna turns up the heat on the culprit, realizing too late that she’s the next course on the murderer’s menu . . .
Includes tasty recipes!

Caterer River Holloway cooks like a dream and is known on Shell Island as a “finder” of things. Which is why a desperate mother begs River to track down her grown son, Chili Bolz, who’s vanished.

Deputy Lance Hamlyn can’t find the missing man, so he teams up with River. The missing person case boils over into something frightening when Chili’s mother falls victim to a brutal assault. Worse, her dying words incriminate River’s friends in both kidnapping and, now, murder. River soon finds herself caught in an unsavory recipe for disaster.

Despite catering events and the return of her absentee boyfriend, River finds the number of suspects growing longer than her food shopping list. Along the way she befriends a black cat who becomes her crime-solving partner. River must locate Chili and discover who killed his mother before her own goose is quite literally cooked.

Maggie Toussaint serves up a fun and captivating read in Seas the Day, the first in her Seafood Capers series.

App developer Mabel Skinner is about to discover something rotten on her late aunt's garlic farm—and it's not the compost heap . . .

Mabel doesn't know a stinkin' thing about garlic farming. She knows how to develop an app and how to code. But when her aunt, Peggy Skinner, dies suddenly, Mabel inherits her Stinkin' Stuff Farm in western Massachusetts. She arrives during peak harvest time—with three days to bring in the entire crop before rain can destroy it.

But Mabel has an even bigger problem: she suspects her aunt's “accidental death” was murder. As she digs for both garlic and clues, Mabel must contend with a mysterious crop thief, a rival garlic grower her aunt was suing, and a farmer who was after Aunt Peggy's green-thumb secret. It's up to Mabel to crack the code on a killer, before she joins the garlic bulbs six cloves under . . .



Charlotte Claus is a sweet soul, who is known for spreading Christmas cheer wherever she goes.
When the town of Partridge Point is so inspired by her that they line the main street with such an overabundance of decorations that it busts the budget, Charlotte is flabbergasted and steps in to help.
The consummate do-gooder finds a local tree farm that agrees to host a pop up event in Partridge Point. They harvest the trees and bring them to an open lot for the locals, who are typically very bah humbug when it comes to the holidays.

When a tragic injury occurs at the lot, secrets unfold and suspicions are cast upon everyone who stopped by that day. Are the ties that bind the people of Partridge Point strong enough to withstand a murder investigation? Or, are the mysterious folks going to come between them and the spirit of the season?

Partridge Point is dealt a terrible blow when murder comes to town. Will sweet Charlotte be able to spread Christmas cheer that will stand strong and overcome the gloom caused by tragedy?
Find out in this heartwarming Cozy Mystery, that will take you back to sweeter times and fill your heart with the joy of the season, no matter what the time of year.



Halia Watkins has her hands full cooking, hosting, and keeping her boisterous young cousin, Wavonne, from getting too sassy with customers. Having fast-talking entrepreneur Marcus Rand turn up in her kitchen is annoying enough when he's alive - but finding his dead body face-down on her ceramic tile after hours is much worse.
Marcus had his enemies, and the cast iron frying pan beside his corpse suggests that at last, his shady business deals went too far. Halia is desperate to keep Sweet Tea's name out of the sordid spotlight but her efforts only make Wavonne a prime suspect. 
Now Halia will have to serve up the real villain - before the killer returns for a second helping....

Between spending Valentine’s Day with her sweetheart Sam and shopping upcoming Presidents’ Day sales with the Good Buy Girls, everything is coming up roses and bargains for Maggie Gerber. But when the mother of Maggie’s nemesis comes to town, things stop looking so rosy. Summer’s mom is hoping to set her spoiled daughter up with Sam, and she’ll do whatever it takes to make the match happen.
When Maggie heads to her romantic rival’s house to put a stop to the scheming, she discovers Summer standing over a dead body - holding a weapon. As much as Maggie would love to see Summer get her just desserts, she can’t shake the feeling that the meddling menace is, in fact, innocent. 
Now Maggie and the Good Buy Girls will have to sort through racks of suspects to find a killer - or Summer will wind up getting a truly raw deal....

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  1. So many great books - so little time. :)

    Thank for the heads up!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Great all sounds very good thank you
