
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Today I'm joining 
Berkley Mystery 
in celebrating the release of  
Book 5 in the Writer's Apprentice Mysteries
by Julia Buckley

Writer's apprentice Lena London is enjoying life in Blue Lake and being newly engaged, but is soon drawn into the terrifying disappearance of one of her closest friends....

Lena is starting to feel like having it all may actually be possible! She and suspense novelist Camilla Graham are busily plotting their next novel and she's got a brand-new diamond ring on her finger thanks to her fiancΓ©, Sam West. The only blot on her Blue Lake life is a strange new corporation that has come to town called Plastisource. They seem to be intent on gobbling up prime real estate and changing the landscape of Lena's lovely adopted home.

When she and Sam get a call from their good friend (and Blue Lake detective) Doug saying that his girlfriend--and Lena's pal Belinda--isn't answering her phone and missed a date with him, they all head out to her home. The trio is shocked to discover that Belinda's purse and phone are at her house, along with a single red rose on her countertop--but Belinda herself is missing. Has she been abucted? Could the strange new corporation play a role in her disappearance? Lena is determined to find out and rescue her friend because she knows that the truth can be stranger and much more deadly than fiction....



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Author Julia Buckley continues to captivate me with her Writer’s Apprentice Mysteries. Each one reads like a favorite Agatha Christie, but with a flare that can only be attributed to Ms. Buckley.

Hooked from the first book in this series. The author’s descriptions bring everything from the characters to the scenery to life. And, I have enjoyed watching the characters grow as the author has fleshed them out. And in this fifth installment of the series, I saw even more subtle changes of growth, and I like what I saw.  

DEATH WITH A DARK RED ROSE pulled me in from the first page. Okay, it pulled me in with the back cover, but the first page secured the fact that it would be a page turner for me. I had settled in to read a few chapters before I had to move on to my daily routine, and let’s just say, nothing else got done.

The mystery aspect of this story hit all the right notes for me. My time reading was spent between chewing on my thumb and holding my breath. Thank goodness the reveal came when it did, because my head was spinning so hard trying to figure this one out, it threatened to set off my vertigo!

You’ll be doing yourself a favor by reading, DEATH WITH A DARK RED ROSE.


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let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you for your review on "DEATH WITH A DARK RED ROSE" by Julia Buckley.

    What a fabulous cover and wonderful sounding book. Definitely on my TBR list.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Thanks, Lisa! I need to get caught up on this series. Happy Wednesday, to you!

  3. Love the cover with both a dog and cat. This sounds so intriguing and I’d love to read it. Thank you for the chance.

  4. Book Cover is great. Would love to win, read and review print copy of this book. I just love these type of books. I sure hope I win.
    Name: Crystal Stewart
    Email: don(dot)stewart(at)zoominternet(dot)net

  5. Marilyn

    Fabulous title and it sounds really good. Thank you for the review.
