
Friday, March 27, 2020

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

This week's recipe is from
Book 2 in the Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries
by Maddie Day

This Barnes & Noble Exclusive Edition 
is available March 31, 2020, only at  Barnes & Noble through 3/31/2021.

Cape Cod bicycle shop owner Mackenzie “Mac” Almeida and her mystery book club find a certain accusation of murder quite the stretch . . .

When your mother is an astrologist and your dad is a minister, you learn to keep an open mind. Which is just what Mac loves to do—exercise her mind by puzzling out fictional clues in the mystery novels she reads and discusses with her Cozy Capers Book Group.

But now Mac’s friend Gin has found herself in a sticky situation. After wealthy genealogist Beverly Ruchart is found dead outside Gin’s taffy shop, the candy maker becomes a person of interest. When it’s revealed that Beverly was poisoned the night Gin brought a box of taffy to a dinner party at Beverly’s house, she’s bumped to the top of the suspects list. It’s up to Mac and her Cozy Capers crime solvers to unwrap this real-life mystery. But this time they might have bitten off more than they can chew . . .

Book two in the Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries, Murder at the Taffy Shop, is set in August, full season on Cape Cod. When Mac heads out for a walk with her friend, she finds a horrified Gin staring at Beverly Ruchart, an imperious summer person, dead on the sidewalk in front of Gin’s candy shop, Salty Taffy’s. When the police find the murder weapon in Gin’s garage, the Cozy Capers book group members put their heads together to clear Gin’s name and figure out who killed the woman whom almost everyone disliked. After the killer later invades Mac’s tiny house to finish her off, Bella, Mac’s African Gray parrot, comes to the rescue. Murder at the Taffy Shop  releases March 31 in a paperback exclusive from Barnes & Noble.



Mac makes these to bring to the Cozy Capers book group meeting.


8 hard-cooked eggs, shelled
2 ripe avocados
1 teaspoon fresh cilantro or dill, minced (Some people have a severe aversion to cilantro, so consider your diners)
3 teaspoons lime juice
1 tablespoon capers, chopped finely
Salt and pepper to taste.
Habanero or jalapeno hot sauce
Smoked paprika or chili powder


   Halve eggs lengthwise and remove yolks to a bowl. Mash avocado with yolks. Add cilantro or dill, lime juice, a few drops of hot sauce, and a pinch each salt and pepper. Mix gently and season to taste.

   Fill egg white halves. Sprinkle smoked paprika or chili powder on top. Cover and refrigerate if you won’t be serving immediately.

Yum! We can't make these for a gathering right now, but we sure can make them for ourselves and our families! Who's going to give them a try?



Maddie Day is a talented amateur chef and holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Indiana University. An Agatha-nominated and Amazon-bestselling author, she is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America and also writes award-winning short crime fiction, which has appeared in a number of juried anthologies. She lives with her beau and three cats in Massachusetts, where she's currently working on her next Country Store mystery when she isn't cooking up something delectable in the kitchen. She hopes you’ll find her at

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  1. What an interesting recipe, Lisa! I would definitely try them. Happy Friday!

  2. We have some friends that are big avocado fans. I'll give this a try when they come to visit for sure.

    I was fortunate enough to read MURDER AT THE TAFFY SHOP and loved it. I can't recommend it enough.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. I like deviled eggs, but not avacados. My daughter however, would probably love this. I'd love to read the book.
