
Thursday, March 5, 2020

I know you love giveaways.
I know this because I love giveaways!

A great please to win books and other great prizes is a place called . . .


At Writerspace you can win books (not just cozies), Gift Cards, and other great prizes from dozens of authors!

Check these out!


Melinda Leigh Contest
Melinda Leigh is giving away a $50 Amazon e-gift card to celebrate the upcoming release of CROSS HER HEART.
US only
Anastasia Alexander Contest
Anastasia Alexander is giving away a $20 Amazon gift card plus an eBook copy of ROMANCING JT to one winner.
Enter Here
US only
Pamela Ann Cleverly Contest
Pamela Ann Cleverly is giving away a $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card.

Colleen Coble Contest
Colleen Coble is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

RP Dahlke Contest
RP Dahlke is giving away a print edition of COZY FOOD128 Cozy Mystery Writers Share Their Favorite Recipes and already signed by her.
US only
Kyra Davis Contest
Kyra Davis is giving away a special prize.
Elizabeth Goddard Contest
Elizabeth Goddard is giving away a copy of ALWAYS LOOK TWICE plus a $25 Amazon gift card for one lucky Bookbub follower.
US only
Carolyn Haines Contest
Carolyn Haines is giving away a signed hardcover edition of ROCK-A-BYE BONES, Book 16 in the Sarah Booth Delaney Mystery series.
Enter Here
US only
Denise Hunter Contest
Denise Hunter is giving away a $25 Amazon gift card and a digital copy of LAKE SEASON to one winner!
Janna MacGregor Contest
Janna MacGregor is giving away eBook copies of the first three stories in her Cavensham Heiresses series including THE BAD LUCK BRIDETHE BRIDE WHO GOT LUCKY, and THE LUCK OF THE BRIDE, plus a $20 bookstore store gift card (winner’s choice of Amazon, B&N, iTunes (Apple iBooks), Kobi or Google Play) to shop for more must-read romances to one winner.
Enter Here
US only
Stella Riley Contest
Stella Riley is giving away TWO audiobook editions of A TRICK OF FATE (2 winners - 1 audiobook each).
Enter Here
US only
Maria Grazia Swan Contest
Maria Grazia Swan is giving away a $15 Amazon Gift Card.
Enter Here
US only

These are just a few of the wonder giveaways over at Writerspace! Head over and start entering!


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