
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Today I'm joining 
Berkley Mystery 
in celebrating the release of  
Book 7 in the Second Chance Mysteries
by Sofie Ryan

Sarah Grayson and her feline ally, Elvis, are hot on the tail of a crafty killer in the newest installment of the New York Times bestselling Second Chance Cat mysteries.

Sarah Grayson owns a delightful secondhand shop in the small town of North Harbor, Maine, where she and her rescue cat, Elvis, are always finding themselves up to their whiskers in trouble. With the help of a quirky group of senior citizens—who call themselves Charlotte’s Angels and work out of the store—they solve crimes both new and vintage.

Local squabbles about property development have the town in quite a state of drama—and it seems like someone may even be upset enough to kill. When a local man involved in the real estate quagmire falls over dead at a reception to celebrate the harbor front’s redevelopment, Sarah gets roped in to investigate by her own IT expert, Mr. P., who has long known the victim’s stepfather. Between Sarah, Elvis and Charlotte’s Angels, the killer is sure to have claws for concern.


Tea Time by Sofie Ryan

In the Second Chance Cat mystery series Sarah Grayson runs a re-purpose store. It’s not the kind of business that you’d think would lead to her getting involved in murder. However, Sarah’s senior friends—Rose Jackson, Charlotte Elliot, Alfred Peterson and Liz French—run their detective agency, the Angels, from Sarah’s sun porch, and she keeps getting pulled into their cases. And every case seems to be fueled by pots and pots of tea.

If you love a cup of tea you’re not alone. My British mother always said a good cup of tea could make any problem seem a little less upsetting. She drank it all day long. I learned a lot of tea trivia from her and I’ve picked up even more thanks to the Second Chance series and its readers.

How many of these “tea facts” did you know?

1. Tea bags were invented in the United States by Thomas Sullivan. He offered small silk bags to give samples of tea to his customers. Some of them assumed that the bags were supposed to be put directly in the teapot. The tea bag was actually created by accident.

2. The art of reading tea leaves is called tasseography.

3. Chrysanthemum tea, made from the dried flowers of the plant, is a favorite herbal tea in China. (I’ve tried it. It tasted better than I expected.)

4. Traditional English Tea is served in the late afternoon or early evening.

5. Tea bricks (tea leaves pressed into a block-like shape) were used as a form of currency in ancient China.  

6. Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world. Water is number one.

7. Adding milk to the cup before the tea is poured began because early tea drinkers didn’t want their delicate teacups to crack from the heat of the tea.

8. According to The Atlantic magazine, China is the largest consumer of tea in the world.

9. says that over 159 million Americans drink tea each day.

10. Approximately 75 - 80% of tea consumed in the United States is iced tea.

11. Black tea is the most commonly drunk tea in the world.

12. Herbal tea blends don’t contain any actual tea leaves. They are a mix of different herbs, spices, and other plants, like chamomile and mint.

If you like tea you’re in good company. Famous tea-drinkers include C. S. Lewis, Albert Einstein, and Lady Gaga.
Author Sofie Ryan

Sofie Ryan is the author of the New York Times bestselling Second Chance Cat Mysteries. She also writes the New York Times bestselling Magical Cats Mystery series under the name Sofie Kelly.

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  1. CLAW ENFORCEMENT by Sofie Ryan sounds like a fun book. Love the cover and that the series is around a second hand store. The tea facts were interesting. Can't wait for the opportunity to read this one!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Good morning, Kay. It's a delightful series. I have missed several books, but plan to go back and read them.

  2. Love, Love, Love this series. The characters feel real, the relationships among the are so great! One of the things I love it the fact that Sofie Ryan treats the senior characters with respect instead of making them a standing joke. There is a great deal of humor around them but it is not poking fun at the characters. The younger characters are great, too. The mysteries are well plotted and no one solves them by being stupid! The evolution of characters is slow which is right because they are adults but both the younger adults and senior ones are allowed to make changes in their lives. Again I LOVE IT and the newest book offers a great next step.

  3. Love the Book Cook Cover. It's Perfect. The blurb is good too. The Book Cover and Book Blurb is interesting, intriguing, mysterious and calls out to me to read it. I would love to read the paperback/print version of this book and review it.
    I found this post very interesting and although the author is new to me, I would love to try this author's books and give them a chance. This is how I find most of my favorite authors. Your books sound like I would really like them.
    Love the characters too and animals too.
    Hope I win this giveaway.
