
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Looks at all of the cozy titles 
being released this week!



When her rival is murdered, Melody is separated from her cute French Bulldog, Smudge. Will she be locked up forever or can Smudge sniff out the truth?

When a new bakery opens up, Melody starts to lose business. People are flocking to the new healthy treats across the road. It gets so bad that Melody even loses her temper and now she is in trouble.

When the owner of the new bakery is found dead, and Melody is covered in his blood, it looks like she may have snapped.

Now she is in jail and has no way of proving her innocence. Luckily, Smudge and Melody’s boyfriend, Sheriff Alvin, are on the case. Can they hunt down the truth when all the evidence points to Melody?

Find out in this sweet, fun cozy mystery!




Ancient Chinese proverb says, give cat mouse and give frog fly, they'll soothe your monsters so you won't die.

Okay, maybe I just made that up. But I'll try anything at this point.

Croakies is suddenly being overrun by monsters. Yeah. Monsters. And I have no clue where they’re coming from. Are they tied to something we’ve done in the past? Do they have anything to do with the strange phone calls I’ve been getting from a really prickly local author? Most importantly, how are we going to explain to the humans about the appearance of a certain giantnormous blue monster flinging car-sized cookies around? Where did all these squirrel squattin’ songbirds come from?
And, for the love of the goddess’s favorite spanks, why is there ice all over the floor?


The frog and the cat? Yeah, they’re really pretty useless on this one. But at least they’re living the good life thanks to my tireless efforts to feed, house, and clean up after them and their naughty friend Hobs.

Yay me.

Mega monster boogers! This magic wrangling gig is for the birds. And the frogs. And the cats. And the hobgoblins. And, apparently, for the monsters hiding at Croakies.

eBook and Paperback

Who Killed the Life Coach?

Life coach Gilbert is offering seminars on how to better your life and Coco has the honor of catering the event. She's excited until Gilbert gives her a dressing down on her presentation and food. What a jerk. Then the jerk ends up dead clutching a half eaten Coco specialty...a cupcake.

While her friends and handsome police officer Logan don't think she had anything to do with the crime, it doesn't matter. Most of the town does. Coco is determined to clear her good name, but will it come at a cost?


Jill Gardner has left her book-and-coffee shop behind to spend Thanksgiving week in coastal Oregon with her cop boyfriend, her golden retriever Emma, and a crowd of friends and family. But before the feast can start, foul play interrupts their vacation....
The rented house was supposed to be a relaxing getaway. But Jill and her companions feel a sense of danger instead. First, they learn that their hosts' son had a fiancee, but her disappearance remains unexplained - and then they meet some menacing members of a local trail-riding club. When one of Jill and Greg's friends finds human remains amid the dunes - with a diamond ring around one mummified finger - things start heating up fast, and they'll be thankful just to survive through the long weekend....


Normally dead bodies in a graveyard are buried - but not this one. When a woman is found strangled in a North London cemetery with an old newspaper clipping clutched in her hand, Inspector Witherspoon is surprised to find that he and the victim have crossed paths before.   
Alice Robinson was a respectable widow who ran a quiet Islington lodging house. None of her lodgers have any apparent motive to murder their landlady. But nagging suspicions are lodging in the Inspector's mind - only he knows that "Alice Robinson" is not her real name. Now he'll need the help of Mrs. Jeffries to revisit an old case that has haunted him for years and to get the real story.


Haven Harbor is an authentic coastal Maine town - which makes it the perfect location for a new film production. But now it's become the scene of a crime....
Needlepointers Angie and Sarah are helping with set design for the movie being shot in their little New England hometown - but as the lighthouse and the wharves bustle with activity, a real-life drama is about to unfold. The director, Marv Mason, has been harassing the pretty young female lead, and the two exchanged heated words at a lobster bake. Now someone's lowered the boom on him....
After a wayward piece of sound equipment sends him to his death, theories fly about who went off-script. Meanwhile, a local woman's tragic story about a true love lost at sea, which originally inspired the film, may lead to murderous revelations from long ago. Angie's got to unravel these mysteries, and may need to give more than one killer the hook....


After a dry spell, freelance writer Jaine Austen's life is suddenly full of romance. For one thing, she's reconnected with her ex - though her cat, Prozac, isn't happy about it. And Jaine's also got a new ghostwriting gig, working on a steamy novel called Fifty Shades of Turquoise.... 
Daisy Kincaid is in her 60s and heiress to a fortune. Now she wants to make a name for herself as a romance author...with a little help from Jaine, that is. As Jaine labors away on love scenes, she gets to know the wealthy woman's gentleman friend, her household staff, and her social circle - every one of whom is horrified when Daisy falls under the spell of a much younger stud named Tommy, a rude, crude lothario who's made himself a fixture in Daisy's Bel Air mansion. 
After Tommy and Daisy shock everyone by announcing their engagement, it doesn't take long for someone to stab him in the neck - with the solid gold Swiss Army knife that Daisy gave him as a gift. The challenging part is trying to narrow down the list of suspects. Jaine's going to have to put a bookmark in that love story and focus all her creative talent into untangling a tale of money and murder....


When two new clients seek Becca's professional services, the fledgling witch detective is overjoyed. Finally, she can use her skills to help her magical community. But as the young witch finds the new cases intertwining, things grow more complicated. Becca's three cats - the ones with the real power - can smell something is wrong with these clients. But not even Clara, the calico, knows what to do when a man ends up dead and a powerful and poisonous root appears - and disappears - in the case. 
To make matters worse, Clara and her littermates are feuding, and she can't tell them about an unsettling interaction she's had with one of the client's sisters. Is it possible that some humans may have the same powers as the magical felines? What does that mean for Clara's beloved Becca - and for the potent poison that has already taken one person's life?




Cupcake-loving croupier Tiffany Black is transported to another era, at the urging of her friend Emily and Nanna, when she tags along to a Jane Austen convention at the Tremonte Casino.

It’s an immersion overload with required period attire and activities like cream tea, lawn bowls, and Regency dancing. But it’s not all in good fun when the conference organizers hire Tiffany to investigate the murder of Robert Darcy, a member of their Board of Directors.

What killed the real-life Mr. Darcy: pride or prejudice?

While Tiffany investigates, her thoughts are never far from Ryan and Stone. She can’t accept what Jack told her, and her belief is only strengthened when she sees a black-clad man who looks like Stone in a fateful alley...




The triplets are going to need steady hands and a clear heads to make it out of this game of operation alive...

Lonnie's B&B is booked solid this weekend as a local hospital hosts a staff appreciation event, so the women already knew the weekend would be stressful. But when one of the more frustrating doctors falls ill, and poison is suspected,  their internal warning buzzers start ringing. With suspects in almost every room, they're going to have to pull out all their tricks, and board games, to get to the bottom of this newest mystery.

But with the help of Detective Kowalski and the determination of the triplets who aren't about to let a bad guy threaten their family business, the killer better beware. Because this delicate game operation has life and death stakes.

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  1. Thanks, Lisa! Tuesday blessings, to you.

  2. Thank you for the heads up! More great books to add to my TBR list.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
