
Saturday, January 11, 2020

Today I'm joining 
Berkley Mystery 
in celebrating the December 31 release of  
Book 6 in the Victoria Square Mysteries
by Lorraine Bartlett
with Gayle Leeson

The charm of Victoria Square may prove to be only skin deep when murder follows the arrival of a tattoo parlor in town in this latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series.

A tattoo parlor on Victoria Square? Some of the merchants get hot under the collar at the proposal, but could they be driven to kill to stop it? That's what the sheriff's office and Katie Bonner want to know when the building's owner is electrocuted with his own saw.

Meanwhile, tensions rise when a hot chef takes over the square's tea shop. Will Katie have three men vying for her affections, or will her rival take the tea cake?

MURDER INK is a perfect addition to the Victoria Square Mysteries. Everything fans love about this series is present and as entertaining as the books before.

Author Lorraine Bartlett has nurtured this series since book one, and her dedication shows. Wonderfully written, along with author Gayle Leeson, MURDER INK may be the best installment yet.

There’s more going on in this story than you may first realize. With always something happening to add more questions, I found myself scratching my head a few times trying to link the details. However, when all the pieces fell into place, the subtle clues throughout seemed so obvious to me. I could have kicked myself about one thing.  

My sister introduced me to this series. As a matter of fact, she’s been anxiously waiting for me to finish this installment and pass it on to her. Her wait is over, and she’s going to be thrilled with, MURDER INK.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you for your review on "MURDER INK". Sounds like a wonderful book and one I can't wait for the opportunity to read. Lovely cover.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. I just barely started reading it. I am carrying it in my bag to read when I have spare time. It helps when you are waiting for meals or friends or doctors!

  3. Rachelle, I take my books with me too! One of my favorite places to read is in the car while waiting for someone at an appointment.!
