
Friday, December 13, 2019

Today I'm joining Berkley Mystery in 
celebrating the December 3 release of  
Book 18 in the Coffeehouse Mysteries
by Cleo Coyle

When coffeehouse manager Clare Cosi awakens on a bench in Washington Square Park, she has no idea she's been missing for days, or that her friends and family have been frantic with worry. Now that she's back, everyone is overjoyed, including a handsome NYPD detective who claims to be her fiancΓ©. But to Mike Quinn's crushing distress, Clare doesn't remember him, or much of anything about the last fifteen years of her life.

Clare's missing memory is tied to a crime she witnessed. An acquaintance of Clare's elegant employer--and fellow member of an exclusive Gotham circle known as "The Ladies Who Brunch"--invited Clare to her posh hotel to sample gourmet wedding cakes. After their indulgent tasting, they headed to the parking garage, where a camera captured a masked figure with a gun confronting the hotel heiress with Clare looking on. Did the kidnapper take Clare, too? The camera went dark, just like Clare's memory. Soon authorities grow suspicious. Is Clare really a victim? Or merely acting like one? Evidence is mounting that she set the woman up.

To clear her name, Clare must find a way to reclaim her memories and rescue the heiress before this high-stakes crime ends in tragedy. Otherwise, instead of walking down the aisle, Clare may find herself perp-walking to prison as an accomplice to kidnapping and murder.



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 From Berkley Books
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In BREWED AWAKENING, author Cleo Coyle has brought us an original storyline, not often, if ever, seen in a cozy. We’re all used to the different types of crimes in cozies. Murder, disappearance, and so forth that happen to the story’s characters. Most are “bit” characters, or even ones we never read about, dead before they tale begins. In an interesting twist, our Coffeehouse lead, protagonist, Clare Cosi is one of the victims!

BREWED AWAKENING is written in the same, talented style that has brought this series to book number eighteen. The author knows her audience, and knows how to reel readers in and hold onto them until the last page.

The above being said, I have noticed that in a few of the books in this series, (as well as many cozies from other series), some subjects and/or language are, in my humble opinion, just crossing the line of cozy. I tend to take more notice of this because I, like my sister and several of my friends, am a cozy mystery purist, where even the words h*ll and d*mn don’t exist. So again, this is IMHO.

If you are a diehard fan of this series, and of Cleo Coyle, then you are going to really enjoy, BREWED AWAKENING.

About Cleo Coyle

Visit Cleo Coyle at her online coffeehouse: ~ and her haunted bookshop:

CLEO COYLE is the pseudonym for Alice Alfonsi, collaborating with her husband, Marc Cerasini. With well over 1 million copies of their books in print, Alice and Marc have written 17 entries in their New York Times bestselling Coffeehouse Mysteries series with their 18th BREWED AWAKENING coming this December 3rd from their longtime publisher Penguin Random House. Their previous entry, SHOT IN THE DARK, was a Best of Year Fresh Fiction Finalist, awarded a starred review by Library Journal and chosen as its MYSTERY PICK OF THE MONTH. This critically acclaimed series of light, amateur sleuth mysteries has now earned three starred reviews, including a Kirkus Star. Multiple entries have been Top Picks and chosen for Best of Year lists by reviewers, including among the Best Mystery Books for Book Clubs.

Together Alice Alfonsi and Marc Cerasini also write the popular HAUNTED BOOKSHOP MYSTERIES, first released under the pen name Alice Kimberly. After nearly a decade-long hiatus, Alice and Marc have resumed writing the series for their longtime publisher Penguin Random House's Berkley Books. Their brand new entry, THE GHOST AND THE BOGUS BESTSELLER, is now a national bestseller and a "Best Book of 2018" selection by Suspense Magazine.

Alice Alfonsi grew up in a small town near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After earning scholarships to study creative and professional writing at Carnegie Mellon and American Universities, she began her career as a cub reporter for The New York Times. Now an author of popular fiction and bestselling media tie-in writer (who even served as the ghostwriter for an Entertainment Weekly media tie-in Best Book of the Year), Alice lives and works in New York City, where she first met her husband, Marc Cerasini. Marc was also born and raised in the Pittsburgh area and is a graduate of Ohio University. He is a New York Times bestselling author of adult and children's fiction and non-fiction.

Working independently and together, Alice and Marc have also penned bestselling tie-in properties for NBC, Lucasfilm, Disney, Fox, Imagine, and MGM. When not haunting coffeehouses, hunting ghosts, or rescuing stray cats, they cook like crazy and drink a lot of java. You can learn more about Alice, her husband, and the books they write by visiting Scroll down the left column of the site's Home Page and you will see links to a number of online interviews that Alice and Marc have given.


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  1. Amnesia now that's a great plot for a mystery. I would like to read this. Thank you...

  2. Amnesia stories are great! I think there's so much you could do with forgotten memories. Thanks for the chance! ����☃️��
