
Thursday, September 5, 2019

I'm so happy to join Berkley in 
celebrating the release of  
Book 10 in the Library Lover's Mysteries
by Jenn McKinlay

It's no-holds-barred murder, in the latest page-turning Library Lover's Mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of Hitting the Books.

Lindsey Norris is finally getting married to the man of her dreams—but it's not all roses for Briar Creek's beloved library director, as gardening enthusiast and town newcomer Aaron Grady gives the term “book lover” a whole new meaning. Inappropriate looks and unwelcome late-night visits to Lindsey's house have everyone from the crafternooners to Lindsey's fiancΓ©, Sully, on edge. 

When Grady's dead body is found staged outside the library and all the clues point to Sully, Lindsey knows it's up to her to dig through the hidden chapters of Grady's previous life to find the real culprit and clear Sully's name. But becoming a thorn in the killer's side is not without its consequences, and the closer Lindsey gets to the truth, the more determined the murderer is to make her just a footnote.



1 lucky reader will win a print copy of


 From Berkley Books
Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.



The Library Lover’s Mystery series is one of my all-time favorites. The first few books in the series are among the first cozies I ever read, and Jenn McKinlay was the very first cozy author I read.

I was so excited to finally get my hands on, WORD TO THE WISE, and I wasted no time opening it up and diving in. It was wonderful to be back in Briar Creek and surrounded by characters I adore, and who feel like old friends.

With the above being said, and stressing that WORD TO THE WISE is a well written story, as have been all the author’s books to date, this wasn’t my favorite in the series. I’m not exactly sure what it was. It was like something was missing. Some component in the other installments that I just didn’t feel in this one. There were times I laughed out loud, and times I teared up. Ms. McKinlay always manages to get me emotionally invested. And there was a great bad guy/gal (I’m not telling) that made me shiver. I just didn’t get the same . . . something I normally feel with this series.

WORD TO THE WISE gets a solid four stars from me, but it is still a five star series, from a five star author. 

Available Now!

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  1. Thank you for your review on "WORD TO THE WISE" by Jenn McKinlay. Always enjoy this author's books and can't wait for the opportunity to read this one. LOVE the cover!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. This sounds very good, thank you

  3. Thanks for the chance! Would love to add to my collection!

  4. A good series. I always like this author.

  5. Thanks for the drawing, sounds like a good book.

  6. Thank you for the chance. Love her books.
