
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Today I'm spotlighting 
by author
Beth Prentice

 is book 15 in the Aloha Lagoon Mysteries. 

This series is written by multiple authors, each penning one or more tales in the series.

From USA Today bestselling author Beth Prentice comes the next killer beach read in Aloha Lagoon... 

Samantha Reynolds' life in Aloha Lagoon feels like it's finally smooth sailing. She’s settled into her job as the resorts' surf instructor for children, things are looking good with her boyfriend Casey, and she has an amazing BFF in the local surf shop owner, Alani.

But when a storm hits Aloha Lagoon, Alani’s past comes back to haunt her, and Sam finds her bestie standing over the dead body of her wayward ex-boyfriend. While Sam knows Alani is innocent, the local
police aren't so easily convinced, and Sam realizes it's up to her to clear Alani's name and find the real killer before her friend ends up behind bars. Why was Alani's ex back in town? What was he doing in Alani’s shop after hours? And who is the mysterious raven-haired woman in his life and what does she have to do with it all? Sam is determined to find out...only can she do it before the real killer catches her? Or will Sam’s time in Aloha Lagoon come to a sticky end?

About author Beth Prentice

Beth Prentice is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Westport Mysteries. Killer Unleashed, her GHP debut novel, received a bronze medal in the 2016 Readers Favorite International Book Awards. 
She was born in Manchester, England, but after moving backwards and forwards across the world 13 times in 14 years she decided that at the age of 18 that Australia was to be her home. She now lives on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia where every day is a good one. She is the lucky mother of two grown up children, and, along with her ever-patient husband, she is the proud but sometimes flustered owner of four dogs, a cat, and a canary. She has always had a love of reading, and even though her background is in accounting, she has now discovered her love of writing. Her main wish is to write books you can sit back, relax with, and escape from your everyday life...and ones that you walk away from with a smile! When she's not writing you will usually find her at the beach with a coffee in hand, pursuing her favorite pastime --people watching!

You can learn even more about Beth at

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  1. "FATAL BREAK "by Beth Prentice sounds very interesting. A series with more than one author can be lots of fun to read. I'd love the opportunity to read this one and others in the series as well.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. This sounds like a wonderful book Thanks for sharing

  3. Great review this sounds very good, Thanks
