
Friday, July 5, 2019

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!
This week's recipe is from
Book 3 in the Daisy's Tea Garden Mysteries
by Karen Rose Smith

Daisy’s Tea Garden in Pennsylvania’s Amish country is known for its elegant  finger foods—but now owner Daisy Swanson has to finger a killer . . .
Restaurant critic Derek Schumaker, notorious for his bitter reviews, is about to visit Daisy’s Tea Garden, and Daisy and Aunt Iris are simmering with anxiety. A bad word from the culinary curmudgeon could really hurt their business, but Daisy tries to stay confident. After all, how can he resist her cucumber sandwiches with pimento spread—not to mention the cheesy cauliflower soup and strawberry walnut salad?
Schumaker takes a to-go order when the afternoon tea service is done, which Daisy hopes is a good sign. But when he perishes from a seizure, it looks like his food was dosed with something deadly. Considering a threat that recently appeared on his blog—and whispers of scandal in his past—Daisy has quite an assortment of suspects to sift through . . .

Includes delicious recipes!


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1½ cups cooked long-grain rice (I use Carolina's ~ Karen Rose Smith)
3 eggs
cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon rum (or almond, if you prefer) flavoring (I use McCormick's ~ Karen Rose Smith)
¼ teaspoon salt
2½ cups milk, warmed, but not scalded
cup golden raisins (I use Sun-Maid ~ Karen Rose Smith)
¼ teaspoon cinnamon to sprinkle on top

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1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.

2. Slightly beat eggs with mixer. Add sugar, flavorings, and salt until well mixed. Slowly stir in milk, one-half cup at a time. Stir in rice and raisins.

3. Pour mixture into a 1½-quart casserole. Sprinkle the top with cinnamon. Ready a pan with hot water. I use a 9-inch by 13-inch cake pan. The casserole must fit into the pan comfortably. Hot water should be about an inch deep. Make for 65 minutes or until knife inserted into the middle come out clean.
Remove the casserole from water. Can be served warm or cold.

4. Refrigerate leftovers

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Please keep reading to check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56

Both the BB and 56 are from



Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading.

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Book Beginnings

"I can't believe how hr trashed that tea room," Foster Cranshaw said, studing Daisy Swanson's office. 

My 56

"Yet honesty is the best policy, right?"

"Sometimes I'm not sure about that. Sometimes little white lies go much farther with holding onto a friendship than complete honesty."

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by submitting your email in 
upper right hand corner of this page. (on the side bar).

Reading from your phone? Scroll to the bottom of your page and click"View web version". Then follow the above directions.


  1. First line –
    Sarah Jane Morgan gasped for breath, scanning the crowded pathways. Everyone showed up for the Heritage Festival, which was good for the artists and vendors, but bad for her. Especially considering…….
    My 56 –
    Grandma blinked. “When did you get this car, Sara Jane? I thought you owned a blue car.” She trailed after Sara Jane , but then hesitated when her granddaughter turned around with a frown and wrinkled her brow. “I meant I parked the car somewhere else. I know I did. Not there. Someone stole it and brought it back and parked it wrong.”
    SWEPT AWAY by Laura V. Hilton
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Yum! I loved this book. Thanks, Lisa. Happy Friday!

  3. There's a ring of truth to that 56, sadly. Sounds like a great cozy, and thanks for that recipe. I never thought to put rum in it but YUM!! I added you to the Linky. Happy weekend!

  4. Sounds like an excellent cozy. The recipe sounds good too. I've never baked rice pudding - mine is a stovetop recipe. This week I am featuring the best YA I've read so far this year - Past Perfect Life by Elizabeth Eulberg. Happy reading!

  5. This sounds like a fun summer cozy and so is the title and cover. I'm craving any kind of rice pudding now! LOL

  6. I love that title. LOL The teaser is oh so true, isn't it? I hope you have a great weekend!
