
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I'm so happy to be featuring author
Maria Grazia Swan
and sharing with you her three new covers!

From Maria

For those of you not familiar with my books, The Baker Girls cozy mystery series is my third and most recent series. Book 1, COOKS, CROOKS, AND A CORPSE

released February 5, 2017 and did quite well. 

Embolden by the success of my new release, I wrote book 2, FOODS, FOOLS, AND A DEAD PSYCHIC. 

It released March 31, 2018 and while waiting for release day I began to write book 3, WINE, DINE, AND CHRISTMAS TIME.

Then the unexpected happened, my pet ferret died.

No-name-girl, as she was known among my readers, crossed the Rainbow Bridge February 2018. I inherited her when she was already old and I wasn’t sure about her name so I called either girl or baby, according to the mood.

I dedicated book 2 to her memory and then I sort of disappeared for a year.

Coming back after 19 months has been hard. I decided to get new book covers, to cheer myself up.

This is the first week the covers are out! 

Book 1 is $.99 until August 10th.

Book 2 will show up with the new cover and a $.99 price on July 26th.

But wait, there is more. The long awaited book 3, now on pre order, will release on August 16th!

I hope my readers, old and new, like us now as much as they did before and I’m sure No-name-girl is smiling at us from above.


Can't resist lighthearted comedy dressed with a little mystery that never takes you down a dark road?

Good, because that’s what you get when you put two hot Italian imports together. Meet the hot pink Fiat 500 and its owner, real estate agent Monica Baker. 

Now stir in a dead body, a caterer about to lose her license, a real estate office coming off the rails, a goofy Great Dane, and a lively heroine who can’t help falling for the brooding bad boy. This is the world of Monica Baker: a high-speed mystery with a serving of mischief and a side of laughs.

The Psychic Fair is in town, with Mediums and Psychics, Astrologers galore. And a lone murderer!

Believers and skeptics stroll the booths, nooks and crannies, along with the wise and the fools, all searching for answers to life’s dilemmas. Some of them will go home full of hope, other filled with disappointment. One of them won’t go home at all.

Good Italian Catholic girl Monica Baker has no interest in the fair, until Homicide comes calling and she finds out the people she trusted most were lurking there. 

Where can she turn? To the willing arms of the married Frenchman who fills her nights with lusty dreams or the long arm of the law? Is the answer to the murder and Monica’s future in the cards, the stars, the crystal ball? Or in Monica’s own date with destiny.

Some Christmas surprises don’t come from Santa. At a gathering atop the tallest building in Phoenix, Arizona, to celebrate Monica Baker’s newest listing, the body of a mysterious young woman is found floating in the pool. But why do fingers point to Monica? Is it the victim’s missing clothing that links Monica to the crime? 

As if being alone during the holidays and in love with someone else’s husband wasn’t depressing enough, Monica now needs to convince the cops, her real estate broker, and her friends, that she really, really isn’t a Christmas killer. And she better be quick if she wants to make midnight mass instead of prison roll call.

Thank you, Maria for allowing my readers and me to be among the first to get a look at your new covers, and to learn about book 3!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Good that you are back. Congrats on your new covers. Very nice. I am sorry about No-Name-Girl. Our pets are our family. I understand. Bless you. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  2. Some people don't realize the impact our furbabies have on us. <3

    Great new covers and sound like books I would enjoy reading for sure.
    2clowns at arkanasas dot net

    1. So true, I had never owned a ferret before, not sure why they don't allow ferrets in California, they are very special creatures. Thanks for liking my covers.

  3. Nice covers. My daughter has ferrets, so I can understand the author’s ferret being her baby girl. Happy Wednesday, Lisa!

    1. Mine was the last of 3 my kids owned. I adopted her when they had to take a job that required a lot of traveling.

  4. Thanks Lori and Lisa. I was on the road most of the day, showing real estate. I just love the way Lisa pieced together the last 19 months of my life. Thank you again. maria g
