
Thursday, June 13, 2019

I know you love giveaways.
I know this because I love giveaways!

A great please to win books and other great prizes is a place called


At Writerspace you can win books (not just cozies), Gift Cards, and other great prizes from dozens of authors!

Check these out!

For June, Melinda Leigh is giving away a $25 Amazon e-gift card.

In honor of National Writers Day on June 27 (appropriately enough, two days after PROJECT DUCHESS’s release!), Sabrina Jeffries will gift one lucky winner with a literary prize package including the Inner Child and Evil Twin writing journals, literary paper dolls, and an autographed copy of the New York Timesbestselling author’s book, HOW TO WOO A RELUCTANT LADY.

   For June, Maria Grazia Swan is giving away a $10 Starbucks Gift Card so the winner can have a cappuccino (or their favorite drink) on her.

For June, Kate White is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card and a Bailey Weggins makeup bag to one winner.

School’s out and thoughts are turning to trips to the beach or days by the pool. Maybe this month’s lucky prize winner will use this $50 Target gift card for a new swimsuit or beach coverup. Whatever you choose, enjoy whatever carefree days come your way!

Those are just a few of the prizes you can win at 

What are you waiting for?
Go try your luck!


As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks for compiling these awesome giveaways!

  2. Lisa, thank you so much!!!! Love your blog. One of these Fridays maybe you'll have an opening for one of my quick recipes? Either way, thank you so much. Happy week end
