
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Three great news books out today, and one tomorrow! And, you can win one of these books for yourself! Keep reading for details.


Available today!

As the New York Times bestselling series continues, it's going to take every recipe the Fairy Tale Cupcake crew has to whip up a quick defense for Mel Cooper when her high school reunion goes from a cake walk to a car wreck...

Melanie Cooper has zero interest in catering her fifteen-year high school reunion, but Angie insists it's only right that they bask in the success of Fairy Tale Cupcakes--and Mel's engagement to the delicious Joe DeLaura is the cherry on top!

Everything is going better than expected until Cassidy Havers, resident mean girl and Mel's high school nemesis, picks a fight. No longer willing to put up with Cassidy's bullying, Mel is ready to tell the former homecoming queen to shut her piehole and call it a night. But as Mel and Joe prepare to depart, Cassidy is found dead in the girl's bathroom, next to a note written in lipstick that points right to Mel--making her the prime suspect.

Now, Mel must follow the clues to find the real killer and keep her reputation from being frosted for a crime she didn't commit.

Death, deadly omens, and a decades-overdue book put senior librarian Cleo Watkins on a collision course with a killer in the second Bookmobile mystery.

Septuagenarian librarian Cleo Watkins believes in gracious manners, sweet tea, and justice―library justice. For over forty years, Cleo has tried every trick in the book to get delinquent patron Dixie Huddleston to return the most overdue volume in Catalpa Springs, Georgia. When Dixie says she’ll finally relinquish the book, Cleo is shocked. She’s even more startled by the reason: superstitious Dixie says she’s seen the signs: she’s about to die and is setting her affairs in order.

Cleo dismisses Dixie’s ominous omens…until she and her gentleman friend, Henry Lafayette, arrive at Dixie’s home to find her dead. Cleo suspects murder. The police agree but promptly list Cleo among the likely culprits. To clear her good name and deliver justice, Cleo uses her librarian skills to investigate, with Henry and her trusty bookmobile cat, Rhett Butler, at her side.

However, the killer has opened a new chapter of terror. Death threats appear around town, and residents start seeing bad luck everywhere, including in Cleo and her beloved bookmobile Words on Wheels. With her bookmobile and legacy on the line, Cleo accelerates her sleuthing. Suspects and clues stack up, but so does the danger. Another death is coming due, and Cleo fears the killer may be about to turn the final page on someone she loves most.

The Hathaway Sisters is a new mystery series by USA Today Bestselling Author Kathi Daley. In book 2 of the series, bookstore owner Harlow Hathaway buys forty boxes of books, some rare and some not, at the estate sale of a man who recently died. With the help of her best friend Cooper Callaway, she begins to inventory her purchase finds a complete set of signed novels penned by her favorite author of all time, Alistair Winslow. Winslow is a reclusive writer who spins his tales from a secret hideaway. Most assume that Alistair Winslow is a pen name and not a given name, but while many have tried, none have been able to unmask the man and reveal his true identity. At the bottom of one of the boxes is an envelope with what look to be pages from an unpublished manuscript. Harlow is sure the manuscript was penned by Winslow and that the novel, which is much different that his other work, holds a secret to his true identity. Harmony and Coop take to the road in search of answers relating to the relcusive author and his realtionship with the reluctant heir who appears to have been his friend.


Win a Kindle copy of

Book 2 in the Hathoway Sisters Mystery
by Kathi Daley

USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post


Releasing May 8th

Barkery owner Carrie Kennersly follows the scent of murder to find the true culprit
When Carrie Kennersley, owner of a two-part bakery that serves tasty treats to both dogs and humans, learns that a local killer is being paroled, she worries that danger will come barking at her door.
Ten years ago, Mike Holpurn was convicted of murdering the first female mayor of Knobcone Heights. Now, shortly after his release, Holpurn puts the whole town on edge by yelling at the former mayor's husband, Henry Schulzer. After Schulzer is found dead, everyone assumes Holpurn is the culprit. But Carrie thinks there's more to the story, especially since Holpurn claims Schulzer was the one who really killed the mayor. Carrie is determined to uncover the truth, even if it means things will get ruff.
Includes recipes!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thank you for sharing this today.

  2. These all sound so good

  3. When I read Harper, I was thinking to myself how much I related to Harlow just from the parts she was in. I can't wait to read her story!

  4. Book sounds great, cannot wait to read

  5. Thank you for the reviews as I find new authors to read.
