
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Book 2 in the Red Herring Mysteries
by Dana Dratch

If it wasn't for art thieves, spies and killers, Alex Vlodnachek's life would be bliss.
Her freelance career is catching fire. Her relationship with B&B owner Ian Sterling is flirty and fun. She’s even attending a glittering cocktail party at his sprawling Victorian inn.
But, to this ex-reporter, something seems “off.” And it’s not the canapés. When Ian’s father vanishes, the enigmatic innkeeper asks for her discretion. And her assistance.
Meanwhile, Alex is having the opposite problem at her tiny bungalow: People keep piling in uninvited. Including a mysterious intruder found sleeping in her kitchen. Her grandmother, Baba, who shows up “to help”—with Alex’s own mother hot on her heels.
When the intrepid redhead discovers a body in the B&B's basement and a “reproduction” Renoir in the library, she begins to suspect that Ian is more than just a simple hotel owner.
With editor pal Trip, brother Nick, and rescue-pup Lucy riding shotgun, Alex scrambles to stay one step ahead of disaster—and some very nasty characters.
Can she find the missing man before it’s too late? Or will Alex be the next one to disappear?


I wanted to like this second installment in the Red Herring Mysteries, but in all honesty, I just couldn’t get into it, and I didn’t finish it. Now, I won’t say that means SEEING RED was a bad book. If you read reviews elsewhere it has many wonderful reviews. I think perhaps I just couldn’t get into it this time around.

I won’t be posting a review anywhere else for SEEING RED. Just here for you all to see. If I get the chance to read it again where I can give it a fair review, I will. I you really want to read this book and are on the fence, I suggest you go to GoodReads and read the reviews there.

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  1. Thank you for your honest review on "SEEING RED" by Dana Dratch.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Thank you. I won't give up on the book from your review but this one just hasn't caught me and other reviews may not be as clear as yours, but they are flat. I need to be able to count on those I follow; I can't afford every book when it first comes out and you help me prioritize.
