
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Do you have missing books in some of your favorite cozy mystery series? I know I do. When I'm looking for an inexpensive way to fill in those spots, my go to place is

I was introduced to this site by a cozy mystery friend. It's a treasure trove of back titles in all genres. And in some cases, the titles aren't that far back! No, you can get some rather current titles. 

Take a look at the cozies you can buy!

These titles are just a sampling of the great books you can find! 
Make sure to check out the whole site!
 Click the Book Outlet Logo

This is also a great way to try out new authors/series, if, in some cases, you don't mind starting a series out of order.

Note: Beware the Scratch and Dent books. They can come in in really bad shape. "Sometimes" it's worth the even more discounted price, but not often. I stick with the ones marked "Bargain Copy".  

Disclaimer: I am NOT in any way affiliated with The Book Outlet. I make no money for recommending titles or sharing links with you.
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