
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Today I'm joining Berkley Mystery
in hosting author
Julia Buckley
and her new release
Book 4 in the Writer's Apprentice Mysteries

Available April 2
 Pre-order today!

Writer's apprentice Lena London is back and better than ever when her friend bestselling suspense novelist Camilla Graham needs help solving a town murder that hits a little too close to home...

It's summertime, and Lena and Camilla are busy working away while a town vandal runs amok. Things get even more complicated when Jane Wyland pays Camilla a not-so-friendly visit and gives her an ultimatum: reveal Camilla's husband James's family secret, or she will. Lena assures Camilla that nothing will come of the woman's threats, since the family has no secrets to hide.

When Jane Wyland is later found dead, they're convinced that whatever secret she was planning to expose led to her death. With Lena's assistance, Camilla is determined to solve the case before the finger points at her...



1 lucky reader will win a print copy of


USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post



With the Writer’s Apprentice Mysteries, author Julia Buckley continues to show that a cozy mystery can be a little more intense without going too far. It’s almost as if she has channeled the great traditional mystery authors who have come before her.

DEATH WAITS IN THE DARK is by far my favorite story in this series to date. That’s saying something considering how much I enjoyed the first three. Julia Buckley just seems to have pulled out all of the stops with this one. I was so caught up in every aspect of the story. It’s a wonderfully plotted mystery for sure, but it was so much more than that to me. 

I was enthralled with the past correspondence between James Graham and Camilla Easton at the beginning of each chapter of DEATH WAITS IN THE DARK. I honestly could read an entire book of nothing but that. (Hmmm…Ms. Buckley, what do you say? “THE LETTERS OF JAMES GRAHAM AND CAMILLIA EASTON”. I’ll be the first to pre-order it!)

I could go on and on with my review of DEATH WAITS IN THE DARK. I have so much I want to say! But I think it’s best to just say this . . . Read this book! If you are a fan of the series already, you are in for such a treat! If you haven’t read any of this series yet, please, get them all now and read them back to back.

There’s an excerpt from book five in the series, DEATH WITH A DARK RED ROSE at the back of the book that will leave you feeling tortured waiting for its release. With every Writer’s Apprentice book better than the one before, it’s sure to be amazing!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Sounds like a good one! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds great! Happy Wednesday!

  3. I love this series! Thanks, Lisa, for the review and giveaway ~

  4. Thank you for your review on "DEATH WAITS IN THE DARK: by Julia Buckley. It just makes me want to read this book on my TBR list all the more. You know with the doggies on the cover that I love it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. <3
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
