
Friday, February 8, 2019

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!
This week's recipe is from
Book 7 of 10 in the Library Lover's Mysteries
by Jenn McKinnlay

In the latest Library Lover’s Mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of A Likely Story, a decades overdue book puts library director Lindsey Norris hot on the trail of a cold case...
When the Briar Creek Public Library holds its first overdue book amnesty day—no fines for late returns—the volume of incoming materials is more than Lindsey and her staff can handle. In a bind, Lindsey drafts the crafternoon ladies to help check in and sort the stacks of books.
But one tardy tome catches her attention—a copy of J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, twenty years past due. When Lindsey looks up the borrower, she’s shocked to discover it was a murdered teacher named Candice Whitley, whose killer was never found.
Candice checked out the novel on the day she was murdered. Now Lindsey wonders if it could provide a clue to the decades-old cold case. No one noticed who brought the book back in, but could it be Candice’s killer? Lindsey is determined to catch the culprit one way or another, because justice for Candice Whitley is long overdue...




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All photos were found on Googles Images or Pinterest
Your finish product will differ in appearance


2 (14.5 ounce) cans diced tomatoes with basil, garlic, and oregano
1 (14.5 ounce) can tomato sauce
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt
36 meatballs, uncooked (recipe below)
2 bay leaves

Photo property of


   In a large blender, combine all ingredients, except the meatballs and bay leaves. Blend until your sauce is the consistency you prefer, chunky or smooth. Pour half of the sauce on the bottom of the Crock-Pot. Put aside remaining sauce to pour on top of the meatballs. Place uncooked meatballs in Crock-Pot. Pour sauce over top, until covered. Add bay leaves. Cover and cook on high for 3 - 4 hours, or low for 6 - 8 hours.



1 pound ground beef
½ cup Italian breadcrumbs
½ cup red wine, such as Chianti
¼ fresh-grated Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion power
1 tablespoon dried Italian seasoning
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 large egg, lightly beaten

   In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients until well blended. Roll the mixture evenly into 36 meatballs.

I can smell them now.
Wonderful bellyful for a cold February!


Please keep reading to check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56

Both the BB and 56 are from


Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading.

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Book Beginnings

"Let the wild rumpus start!". . . 

My 56

"My heart," Robbie cried.

Lindsey's eyes went wide. "Are you having a heart attack?"

She rushed forward as he slumped to the ground. She caught him before his head connected with the ground and cradled his upper body in her lap with his head on her shoulder.

In other news

Friday, February 8
Please check out my interview over at 
 Chicks on the Case

This is my second time hanging out with wonderful authors...

Ellen Byron ~ Becky Clark
Marla Copper ~ Vicki Fee ~ Kellye Garrett 
Leslie Karst ~ Cynthia Kuhn  
Lisa Q. Matthews ~ Kathleen Valenti

(I wonder if I can get them to adopt me)

Leave a comment while you're there.
I'll be checking in that day and a couple after to answer them!

Don't forget
Friday, February 8! Hey, that's today!
Head over there and check it out now!


As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think about today's blog!

Follow my blog by submitting your email in 
upper right hand corner of this page. (on the side bar).

Reading from your phone? Scroll to the bottom of your page and click"View web version". Then follow the above directions.


  1. "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER" by Jenn McKinnlay sounds like a great book, but then I knew it would be when I saw the author's name.

    My first line -
    “So then I got all confused. Agnes Zook waved her hands through the air as she tried to describe to her captive, green audience what had happened.

    My 56 –
    He would also worry about her going home alone after dark, especially if she ended up moving into that room behind her shop – her shop where a thief had shot at her.

    THE AMISH CANDY MAKER by Laura V. Hilton
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Yum! I could sure enjoy those, today. Happy Friday, Lisa!

  3. That recipe looks scrumptious! And so does the book. Got to go check it out!

    My Friday 56 from My Hungry Friend

  4. The recipe sounds good and so does the book. I haven't started this series yet but, as a retired librarian, it sounds right up my alley. This week I am spotlighting Say You're Sorry by Karen Rose - a thriller from my review stack. Happy reading!

  5. I really like that cover, it's so classically "cozy mystery".
    The meatballs look absolutely delicious! The sauce looks really thick and rich.
    My Friday Memes for this week.

  6. Yummy food and book! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  7. What a great sounding series, I do wish I had got to hear about it sooner.

    Is this the only book you have read from the series and if so, how is it working as a stand alone story? The thought of trying to catch up on so many back episodes is quite daunting!

    Thanks for sharing and for the warming recipe, on a cold, wet and windy UK day!

    Have a good weekend :)

    Yvonne xx

  8. I love Jenn McKinlay! Her books are always good. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Those meatballs looks amazing!! The story sounds pretty good too! Happy weekend!

  10. Mmm! These recipes always look so good! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  11. hmm, I wonder what's really happening on page 56! Mine is here:
