
Thursday, February 21, 2019

I enjoy going back and looking at my old blog posts. It's fun to see how much my style of blogging has changed. 

This post from February 15, 2014 really stood out to me. Not because it's spectacular, but because I remember how I felt when I wrote.
And I still feel the same.


Cozy Snubbing Snobs

What is it with all the cozy "snubs"? I was looking through some magazines today and was disappointed and yeah, a little angry to see that Publisher's Weekly and Bookmarks made no mention of cozies whatsoever! 

Cozy readers, please do everything you can to share your love of cozies. Leave reviews, pre-order, request your favorite cozy authors at your local bookstore. If you have an independent bookstore close by, speak to the owner/manager about doing a display featuring only cozy titles. Share with your friends any way you can. Talk to them, post on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter, mention cozies on your blog. If you see someone in the mystery section, suggest a cozy to them.

Our cozy authors are every bit as good as (better in my opinion) any author out there. Let's show them and the cozy snubbing snobs just how much they mean to us!



I just remember how passionate I felt about how literary publications didn't acknowledge cozy mysteries and their authors. It's honestly not much better now. And now that RT Reviews (originally Romantic Times) has folded.

Hmm...Maybe I should think about starting
a cozy mystery magazine. 

How do you think we can spread the love of cozies?
I look forward to your comments!

Authors, if your reading this, please comment as well and tell readers what we can do to help!


  1. Lisa, Thank you. One thing readers can do is post reviews. We know what our sales are but reviews tell the world that folks are reading and liking cozies. <3

    1. Thanks, Barbara. Reviews are SO important. I've been a reader, well, ever since I could read, and I never knew just how important reviews were until I started reading cozies and started my blog.

  2. Hi Lisa! I love this post. I was a big cozy reader before I became a cozy author. I think it's a great genre!

    1. Thanks, Tina. It's a fabulous genre! I wish more people knew just how much!

  3. First off, I love the photo of the porcelain teacup and revolver. :)

    Agree wholeheartedly that cozies get a bum wrap. As you know, I post reviews EVERYWHERE. I think we owe it not only the authors but to the genre of books in general to get the word out about these great books. I also share my books with others. I've gotten others hooked on cozies by opening their minds up to them. Find someone that loves romance and give them a romantic cozy. Find someone that loves dogs and give them a cozy with one as one of the main characters in a cozy. Show folks that cozies can mix in with their normal genre. They might not complete come over to being a cozy lover, but it will show them that they can still love their type books and branch out with a cozy as well.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  4. I'm right there with you, Lisa. Totally agree. Love my cozies!
