
Monday, February 4, 2019

Book 1 in the Abby McCree Mysteries
by Alexis Morgan

When Abby McCree suddenly inherits her favorite relative’s property in small town Snowberry Creek, Washington, she soon realizes that the ramshackle home comes with strings attached—one of which is tied to a dead body!
After a rough divorce, Abby McCree only wants to stitch up her life and move on. But other loose ends appear after her elderly Aunt Sybil passes away, leaving Abby to tend to a rundown estate, complete with a slobbery Mastiff of questionable pedigree and a sexy tenant who growls more than the dog. As Abby gets drawn into a tight-knit quilting guild, she makes a twisted discovery—Aunt Sybil’s only known rival is buried in her backyard!

Despite what local detectives say, Abby refuses to accept that her beloved aunt had anything to do with the murder. While navigating a busy social calendar and rediscovering the art of quilting, she launches an investigation of her own to clear Aunt Sybil’s name and catch the true culprit. The incriminating clues roll in, yet Abby can’t help but wonder—can she survive her new responsibilities in Snowberry Creek and still manage to patch together a killer’s deadly pattern without becoming the next victim?


A new series! Can you feel my excitement? And, as far as first books in a series go, author Alexis Morgan did a great job with DEATH BY COMMITTEE.

An enjoyable read and a well thought out plot, DEATH BY COMMITTEE was a hard one to put down. Each time I did, I’d pick it up for “just one more chapter”. You can guess how that turned out. 😉 This story was a real puzzle of a mystery for me. But, if you pay close enough attention to clues and people’s actions, you may very well guess the killer. I was so absorbed in the characters (see below) that the baddy got past me, so it was a surprise when I read the reveal. 

There are such great characters in this book. I immediately liked protagonist, Abby McCree. She was dealt losses of one sort or the other, and at first seemed a bit unsure of her life. It was wonderful to see her character grow stronger and surer during the story. The ladies of her quilting guild are a handful, but they’re so fun to read! Abby’s tenant, Tripp, seems to be a grump at first, but that changes quickly. And Zeke, Abby’s inherited Mastiff has completely won my heart.

If you are the type who worries about starting a new series, you don’t have to be with DEATH BY COMMITTEE. I have no doubt you’ll love it from cover to cover!

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  1. Thanks for the review on "DEATH BY COMMITTEE" by Alexis Morgan. sounds like a wonderful book and one that I would love having the opportunity to read. LOVE the cover!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Monday blessings, to you!

  3. Thanks for the review, sounds like a good read!

  4. I love the beginning of a new series...this one sounds so good. I can’t wait too read it.

  5. Thanks for your review. The cover caught my eye but your insight into the book has helped me decide I must have.
