
Saturday, January 12, 2019

There are so many great cozy mysteries available from different wonderful publishers. And I love them all. But I have to tell you, I am crazy for


Book 2 in the Magic Garden Mysteries
by Amanda Flower 

Florist Fiona Knox left behind her gloomy life for a magical garden in Scotland, but a murder on her shop’s opening day spells doom.

Fiona Knox thought she was pulling her life back together when she inherited her godfather’s cottage in Duncreigan, Scotland―complete with a magical walled garden. But the erstwhile Tennessee flower shop owner promptly found herself puddle boot-deep in danger when she found a dead body among the glimmering blossoms. One police investigation later (made a trifle less unpleasant by the presence of handsome Chief Inspector Neil Craig), and Fiona’s life is getting back on a steady, though bewitched, track. Her sister Isla has just moved in with her, and the grand opening of her new spellbound venture, the Climbing Rose Flower Shop in Aberdeenshire, is imminent. 

But dark, ensorcelled clouds are gathering to douse Fiona’s newly sunny outlook. First, imperious parish minister Quaid MacCullen makes it undeniably clear that he would be happy to send Fiona back to Tennessee. Then, a horrific lightning storm, rife with terribly omen, threatens to tear apart the elderly cottage and sends Fi and Isla cowering under their beds. The storm passes, but then, Fi is called away from the Climbing Rose’s opening soiree when Kipling, the tiny village’s weak-kneed volunteer police chief, finds a dead body on the beach. 

The body proves difficult to identify, but Kipling is certain it’s that of the parish minister. Which makes Fiona, MacCullen’s new nemesis, a suspect. And what’s worse, Isla has seemed bewitched as of late…did she do something unspeakable to protect her sister? The last thing Fiona wanted to do was play detective again. But now, the rosy future she’d envisioned is going to seed, and if she and Craig can’t clear her name, her idyllic life will wilt away in Death and Daisies, national bestselling author Amanda Flower’s second enchanting Magic Garden mystery.


This is the first book I’ve read in the Magic Garden Mysteries. DEATH AND DAISIES in the second in the series. Author Amanda Flower did a wonderful job seeing that first time readers wouldn’t be lost. I was able to follow a long with the story and characters just find.

Speaking of characters, the eclectic group of town folks in this story are so much fun to read. I can imagine hanging out in the local haunts with these people and having the best of times.

DEATH AND DASIES was a well written mystery, which is to be expected from this author. She has a way with telling a tale that will capture the reader within her writing, causing them to lose all track of time. There were however parts of this book that just didn’t grab me in the way I would have hoped. But the setting and other aspects of the story were more than enough to keep me reading until the end. 


Book 3 in the Merry Ghost Inn Mysteries
by Kate Kingsbury

If bed-and-breakfast owners Melanie and Liza, along with their laughing ghost tenant, can’t find a real estate developer’s killer, their own estate will end up with their next of kin.

The Merry Ghost Inn is well and truly open for business. Melanie West, her grandmother, Liza, and their beloved sheepdog/wolfhound mix, Max, are rapidly getting the hang of running their charming bed-and-breakfast inn on the rocky Oregon coast. Not that business goes without a hitch―when your hostelry boasts its own laughing resident ghost, you’d better be expect the out-of-the-ordinary. But Melanie and Liza take it all in stride…until a hotshot real estate developer arrives in Sully’s Landing, touting his plans to build a tacky amusement arcade smack dab in the middle of the tasteful cliff-side town.

No one in Sully’s Landing can stand the gaudy developer, but it’s still a shock when he ends up murdered. It’s even more shocking when Liza’s friend, Doug, emerges as the chief suspect. Melanie and Liza put on their sleuthing caps yet again and set out to clear Doug’s name. They nearly check into accommodations six feet under when, en route to the crime scene, their brakes give out and they narrowly miss plunging over the cliffs to the beach below. Meanwhile, the merry ghost who haunts the inn tries to help by dropping clues for Melanie to find, but her mind is otherwise preoccupied when the killer kidnaps Liza and holds her prisoner.

Now, it’s up to Melanie to piece together the ghost’s clues, save her mother, exonerate her friend, keep her guests happy, and make sure Max gets his walkies in Kate Kingsbury’s third mirthful Merry Ghost Inn mystery, Be Our Ghost.


Not having been a big fan of the para-cozy sub-genre, through authors such as Joyce & Jim Lavene, Sharon Pape, and Cleo Coyle to name just a few, ghost cozies have found a way into my heart and onto my bookshelves. And now they have now led me to Kate Kingbury. While BE OUR GHOST is the third book in the Merry Ghost Inn Mysteries, it is my first book by author Kate Kingsbury. It will certainly not be my last!

I enjoyed getting to know this new to me set of characters. I adore Melanie West and her grandmother, Liza. Oh, and their sheepdog/wolfhound mix, Max. I’m looking forward to going back and reading the first two books in the series, so I can spend more time with them. And, if I had to be haunted by a ghost, I could do a lot worse than laughing ghost Orville.

Hooking my attention on the very first page, and holding me transfixed until the last, BE OUR GHOST is filled with everything a mystery read loves. Action, mayhem, murder of despicable character (the best kind), and of course a brilliantly plotted mystery. And I almost forgot to mention, a recipe!
Seriously, you can’t go wrong with BE OUR GHOST.


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you'll be crazy for Crooked Lane too!

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  1. Thank you for your reviews on "DEATH AND DAISIES" by Amanda Flower and "BE OUR GHOST" by Kate Kingsbury. Both sounds like wonderful books and ones that I would greatly enjoy reading. I'm just recently become aware of CROOKED LANE BOOKS and will definitely be checking them out more.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
