
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Book 2 in the Witch Cat Mysteries
by Vicki Vass

Evil has awoken in Asheville, North Carolina, and Terra Rowan must prepare the Ladies of the Biltmore Society for battle. With her familiar, Pixel, a crooked leg fluffy orange cat, and her apprentice Abigail Oakhaven, a stubborn teenage girl with a bloodline dating back to the beginning of time, she begins their journey. The witch hunters have come to the Appalachian Mountains in search of the last witch of Salem. The magic of the mountains can no longer protect her and her coven. She must travel to the one place on earth that holds the secret to save mankind – Dark Corner.

Combining elements from different cultures, Appalachian folklore, Celtic legends, Native American mysticism, Dark Corner continues its new witch mythology while staying true to the realm of cozy mystery. 

Terra Rowan is a witch trapped between worlds and lost in time.


A magical tale from beginning to end, author Vicki Vass has once again enchanted me with her masterful storytelling.

DARK CORNER is the second installment in the unique, Witch Cat Mysteries. Told from the perspective of the protagonist, a witch turned cat who escaped the Salem witch trials, each page of this book will draw you in with clever writing, eclectic characters, and a story that will awaken your imagination.

Author Vass made it impossible for me to put this book down until I had read the last word. Even better than the first book, BLOODLINE, DARK CORNER with leave you anxiously awaiting the next brilliant story in this series.

Jumping genre barriers, the Witch Cat Mystery series is the perfect read for lovers of fantasy, mystery, cozy, and YA.


The Witch Cat Mysteries


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  1. Thanks for your review on "DARK CORNER" by Vicki Vass. sure sounds like a book that I'd enjoy having the opportunity to read.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
